Food Plots That Attract Deer & Hogs
- This native sedge is a hardy grass-like plant that attracts hogs, deer and wild turkey. A tuber similar to a peanut grows beneath the ground that is high in fat and protein. Hogs root these out, and deer will paw them up as well. It is recommended to plow up the tubers late in the season and replant each spring to establish a good plot. You can also add a new strip every other month to create continual growth.
- Peas, soybeans and corn are dependable foods that attract both deer and hogs. These high-protein crops can be left in the field during colder months for foraging when the ground is frozen to supplement winter feeding. Peanuts are a crop that hogs in particular like, and deer are attracted as well, but they enjoy the leafy vegetation while the hogs like the nuts themselves. These are crops that can be alternated as they similarly provide a variety of plots for the animals to feed on.
- Kale, turnips or forage rape are all common food plot brassicas that provide good grazing and a nice alternative to the typical corn or bean plots. Turnips can be turned up and attract deer and hogs year round and are especially good supplemental foods for winter months. Deer eat the green as well as the turnip, while hogs prefer the tubers. Kale is slower growing than the rape but has protein-rich leaves good for summer grazing. Rape is a good forage plant and are planted late season to add to the fall foraging menu.
- Deer and hogs are attracted to chestnuts and acorns which are nutritious nuts for foraging. The difficulty is getting new trees propagated as they can easily be destroyed by foraging deer or hogs who are feeding on the saplings or rooting them out. Established trees including oak trees provide a good supply of nuts, and once they are plotted don't require further cost or replanting.
Crop Plots
Nut Trees