Video: Practical Japanese Phrases for the Airport
Video Transcript
I have some examples that you might hear in the airplane. So you're on your way to Japan and this stewardess - flight attendant - asks you this. I'll read it first. "Niku to sakana - dochira go yoroshii desu ka?" You have seen some words - here, of course, you have seen it the whole time. "...desu ka" is a question. Now you know. And the "ga" make a subject. "Dochira" - this means "which". So it gives you the choice. And "yoroshii" is "would you like.? or "what's your preference?" So, the question is, "Niku to sakana". "To" is a particle that works as "and" in English. So, "niku" means meat and, of course, "sakana" means fish. They usually have two or three choices then let you choose which one you like. So, I'm going to read it so please repeat after me: niku to sakana dochira ga yoroshii desu ka? And you will hear this question everywhere you go. It doesn't have to be niku and sakana. It can be tea or coffee. Or it can be at the hotel, second floor or fifteenth floor. There are so many choices which you have to choose. But usually they will offer you in this sentence. Something "to" something "dochira ga yoroshii desu ka?" And you can answer with the form we just learned: please. Let's say you like fish better - how do you say? Yes. "Sakana onegaishimasu".