3 Signs That a Woman Fancies You - And How to Hypnotize Her Into Falling Deeply in Love
Knowing whether a woman's feelings for you is probably one of the most difficult things for a guy to do.
You see, if you are unable to know if she actually likes you (or is only playing you) then it is impossible for you to take things to the next level.
Therefore, it is important to know for sure if she really has feelings for you.
But don't worry - help is at hand.
Here are some surefire ways to totally figure out if a girl likes you or not.
Read on to discover these tactics and achieve mind blowing results...
3 Signs That A Woman Shows If She Likes You Sign #1.
She touches your hand when she is talking.
Note that this should look natural and not 'rehearsed' in any way.
Sign #2.
She tilts her head when she is talking to you.
If she plays with her hair at the same time then you've just hit the jackpot.
Sign #3.
She becomes overly enthusiastic and absolutely excited when you are around.
She also displays some level of self-consciousness and a little uncomfortable.
Now that you know that she likes you, then what do you do to escalate? Easy - hypnotize her.
One way to do this is to use this hypnosis technique called 'fractionation'.
This tactic involves bringing the woman through an emotional rollercoaster (thus making her feel both pain and pleasure in alternating 'cycles'), and quickly anchoring her pleasure (or 'positive') states to you.
As a result, she becomes emotionally dependent on you.
You see, if you are unable to know if she actually likes you (or is only playing you) then it is impossible for you to take things to the next level.
Therefore, it is important to know for sure if she really has feelings for you.
But don't worry - help is at hand.
Here are some surefire ways to totally figure out if a girl likes you or not.
Read on to discover these tactics and achieve mind blowing results...
3 Signs That A Woman Shows If She Likes You Sign #1.
She touches your hand when she is talking.
Note that this should look natural and not 'rehearsed' in any way.
Sign #2.
She tilts her head when she is talking to you.
If she plays with her hair at the same time then you've just hit the jackpot.
Sign #3.
She becomes overly enthusiastic and absolutely excited when you are around.
She also displays some level of self-consciousness and a little uncomfortable.
Now that you know that she likes you, then what do you do to escalate? Easy - hypnotize her.
One way to do this is to use this hypnosis technique called 'fractionation'.
This tactic involves bringing the woman through an emotional rollercoaster (thus making her feel both pain and pleasure in alternating 'cycles'), and quickly anchoring her pleasure (or 'positive') states to you.
As a result, she becomes emotionally dependent on you.