Change Your Loved One’S Karma
Why do people rape?
This question has caught the imagination of everyone ever since the recent rape of that poor 23-year-old Delhi girl. It is forcing many people to introspect and find the cause of such behaviour by men so as to take a step towards resolving the issue.
Women get raped by strangers, by boyfriends, by relatives. Young girls get sexually abused and then they have to go for abortion, which again a big trauma for the girl. The problem is the problem of a society. The problem does not just concern lust but actually hatred, abuse and need to have power and control over others, which definitely comes from poor upbringing.
However, most people are looking in the wrong direction. They don't realise that it's all happening because of pitradosha or ancestral defect in their DNA of suffering.
Men who commit these rapes have hate, anger and a desire to show their power over others and they look for opportunities and imbalance in harmones. These men do not just belong to a particular social class but belong to families where they have seen abusive relationships, where their father beat up their mother, where their mother could not stand up for herself.
In such families, the spiritual knowledge of respecting women has not been taught. These people were not only abused themselves but have also seen others abusing each other - verbally, physically and sexually. It is these seeds of violence and revenge planted in them that is making them violent.
It becomes imperative therefore that parents teach their children about respecting women. But how can they, if fathers beat up their mothers? They cannot set an example. This is why the problem is a pitradosha or ancestor defect coming from information from the environment and the DNA.
Parents and guardians should first heal their own abusive relationships and beliefs with spiritual Theta Healing energies and then, at the genetic level, the energy of abuse will also be released from children, thus changing society.
If one family reflects this success, then in the next 100 years, hundreds of their progeny will be freed from all rape, abusive thoughts and crimes. This is the actual solution. It is the violence in society we have to stand up against by spreading the message of unconditional love in Indian families where the actual crime happens, which children see and become violent in nature.
ThetaHealing has also helped many victims of sexual abuse to completely recover from shocks and traumas and heal their traumatised soul back to wellness. They are today living a new life, with no ghosts from the past coming to haunt them. They have been healed with God's unconditional love.
New Delhi:
ThetaHealing Basic & Advanced DNA2: 28th - 30th September
& 1st-3rd October 2013
Game of Life: 11th - 16th October 2013
Love & Wealth Ultimate Life BreakThrough Seminar Level 1, 2 & Mastery Level 1: 28th-29th, 30th Nov-1st Dec & 2nd-3rd Dec
ThetaHealing Basic & Advanced DNA2: 27th-29th Dec, 3rd-5th, 6th-7th Jan 2014
ThetaHealing Game of Life: 10th - 12th January
Manifesting & Abundance: 6th-7th, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM
Basic DNA2 & Advanced DNA2: 24th- 26th, & 27th- 29th, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM Manifesting & Abundance: 30th- 31st, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM
ThetaHealing Basic & Advanced DNA2:4th-6th, & 7th-9th Oct
Manifesting & Abundance: 10th-11th Oct
Soul mate &Soul Family Day: 5th Oct, 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Rhythm to a Perfect Weight: 10th Oct, 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Intuitive Anatomy:6th-20th, 4.00 am - 9.00 PM,
Fridays & Saturdays timings: 9:00 AM till 5 PM
DNA3: 22nd-26th, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM
Basic DNA2 & Advanced DNA2: 15th-17th & 22nd-24th, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM
or mail at, &,
call Neeta Kaul 00-91-9582692321,91-9891371212,
or visit E-129, Greater Kailash-Part 3, New Delhi 110048.
This question has caught the imagination of everyone ever since the recent rape of that poor 23-year-old Delhi girl. It is forcing many people to introspect and find the cause of such behaviour by men so as to take a step towards resolving the issue.
Women get raped by strangers, by boyfriends, by relatives. Young girls get sexually abused and then they have to go for abortion, which again a big trauma for the girl. The problem is the problem of a society. The problem does not just concern lust but actually hatred, abuse and need to have power and control over others, which definitely comes from poor upbringing.
However, most people are looking in the wrong direction. They don't realise that it's all happening because of pitradosha or ancestral defect in their DNA of suffering.
Men who commit these rapes have hate, anger and a desire to show their power over others and they look for opportunities and imbalance in harmones. These men do not just belong to a particular social class but belong to families where they have seen abusive relationships, where their father beat up their mother, where their mother could not stand up for herself.
In such families, the spiritual knowledge of respecting women has not been taught. These people were not only abused themselves but have also seen others abusing each other - verbally, physically and sexually. It is these seeds of violence and revenge planted in them that is making them violent.
It becomes imperative therefore that parents teach their children about respecting women. But how can they, if fathers beat up their mothers? They cannot set an example. This is why the problem is a pitradosha or ancestor defect coming from information from the environment and the DNA.
Parents and guardians should first heal their own abusive relationships and beliefs with spiritual Theta Healing energies and then, at the genetic level, the energy of abuse will also be released from children, thus changing society.
If one family reflects this success, then in the next 100 years, hundreds of their progeny will be freed from all rape, abusive thoughts and crimes. This is the actual solution. It is the violence in society we have to stand up against by spreading the message of unconditional love in Indian families where the actual crime happens, which children see and become violent in nature.
ThetaHealing has also helped many victims of sexual abuse to completely recover from shocks and traumas and heal their traumatised soul back to wellness. They are today living a new life, with no ghosts from the past coming to haunt them. They have been healed with God's unconditional love.
New Delhi:
ThetaHealing Basic & Advanced DNA2: 28th - 30th September
& 1st-3rd October 2013
Game of Life: 11th - 16th October 2013
Love & Wealth Ultimate Life BreakThrough Seminar Level 1, 2 & Mastery Level 1: 28th-29th, 30th Nov-1st Dec & 2nd-3rd Dec
ThetaHealing Basic & Advanced DNA2: 27th-29th Dec, 3rd-5th, 6th-7th Jan 2014
ThetaHealing Game of Life: 10th - 12th January
Manifesting & Abundance: 6th-7th, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM
Basic DNA2 & Advanced DNA2: 24th- 26th, & 27th- 29th, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM Manifesting & Abundance: 30th- 31st, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM
ThetaHealing Basic & Advanced DNA2:4th-6th, & 7th-9th Oct
Manifesting & Abundance: 10th-11th Oct
Soul mate &Soul Family Day: 5th Oct, 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Rhythm to a Perfect Weight: 10th Oct, 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Intuitive Anatomy:6th-20th, 4.00 am - 9.00 PM,
Fridays & Saturdays timings: 9:00 AM till 5 PM
DNA3: 22nd-26th, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM
Basic DNA2 & Advanced DNA2: 15th-17th & 22nd-24th, 9.30 am - 4.30 PM
or mail at, &,
call Neeta Kaul 00-91-9582692321,91-9891371212,
or visit E-129, Greater Kailash-Part 3, New Delhi 110048.