Relationship Lessons From Speed Dating
Speed-dating holds plenty of lessons in a real relationship as first impressions last a life time, whether in speed_dating or in a real relationship. So out advise is to strike hard, strike fast and strike well, at your very first chance with a beautiful woman or with a hot man. Because, you may never get that chance again.
Now that is a complex topic. Love may be as old as time itself, but it is still a mystery. It is a well established fact that those who have a stable, intimate, satisfying and long term relationship are happier, chirpier, healthier and even live longer. Relationships are important. But with divorce rates hovering at 50%, it is clear that relationships are not easy. Can Speed-Dating help in peel off the mystery from the enigma called "love"?
Welcome to Speed-Dating.
What interests one in a member of the opposite sex? Is it how physically attractive they are, or is there something else? In speed_dating, you are given only 3 minutes with your date and a questionnaire for you to fill in just 30 seconds. Only 3 minutes for you to make an impression on your date, or to get impressed by him or her.
How Speed-Dating works.
Speed_dating is very useful in finding out what happens when humans go searching for love. In Speed_Dating, one captures and holds on to the very first impression that one has of his or her 3 minute date. This acts as a gateway of sorts, and decides whether you shall go further in your relationship with that person or not. In Speed- Dating London, the organizers of the event often ask you to fill a questionnaire that should take no more than 30 seconds about the person you date. You are asked to describe your first impression of the other person - good or bad? Your level of attraction to him or her - high, moderate, zilch? Your mood on meeting the other person - good or bad? Your level of attachment. And finally, would you like to meet that person again - yes or no? If the answer is positive, the Speed_Dating organizers will fill you in with the contact and address details of the person who you just dated for 3 minutes - but of course, a similar approval about you should also come from your date.
Don't be scared.
When you are scared of Speed-Dating, when you are petrified by it, or just ambivalent and distrustful of the whole thing, treating it with no seriousness - your feelings come across as a strong negative to your Speed-date, and makes a very bad impression about you to him or her. So, if you wish to succeed at Speed_Dating Birmingham, you have to learn to accept it, and enjoy it.
Just like a real relationship.
In a relationship too, just like speed-dating, first impression is all important. Anybody who comes across as being desperate, or disinterested in a relationship is unlikely to impress his or her prospective partner. It only takes a moment to establish an impression in a relationship - and this impression more often than not, lasts for a life time. So it is extremely important that one puts forward his or her very best foot forward at the very beginning of a prospective relationship, and hope for the best! Meanwhile, for those of you interested in speed_dating in Birmingham, look out for the Birmingham speed_dating events organized this weekend, at the Speed-Dating Birmingham city! and all the best!
Now that is a complex topic. Love may be as old as time itself, but it is still a mystery. It is a well established fact that those who have a stable, intimate, satisfying and long term relationship are happier, chirpier, healthier and even live longer. Relationships are important. But with divorce rates hovering at 50%, it is clear that relationships are not easy. Can Speed-Dating help in peel off the mystery from the enigma called "love"?
Welcome to Speed-Dating.
What interests one in a member of the opposite sex? Is it how physically attractive they are, or is there something else? In speed_dating, you are given only 3 minutes with your date and a questionnaire for you to fill in just 30 seconds. Only 3 minutes for you to make an impression on your date, or to get impressed by him or her.
How Speed-Dating works.
Speed_dating is very useful in finding out what happens when humans go searching for love. In Speed_Dating, one captures and holds on to the very first impression that one has of his or her 3 minute date. This acts as a gateway of sorts, and decides whether you shall go further in your relationship with that person or not. In Speed- Dating London, the organizers of the event often ask you to fill a questionnaire that should take no more than 30 seconds about the person you date. You are asked to describe your first impression of the other person - good or bad? Your level of attraction to him or her - high, moderate, zilch? Your mood on meeting the other person - good or bad? Your level of attachment. And finally, would you like to meet that person again - yes or no? If the answer is positive, the Speed_Dating organizers will fill you in with the contact and address details of the person who you just dated for 3 minutes - but of course, a similar approval about you should also come from your date.
Don't be scared.
When you are scared of Speed-Dating, when you are petrified by it, or just ambivalent and distrustful of the whole thing, treating it with no seriousness - your feelings come across as a strong negative to your Speed-date, and makes a very bad impression about you to him or her. So, if you wish to succeed at Speed_Dating Birmingham, you have to learn to accept it, and enjoy it.
Just like a real relationship.
In a relationship too, just like speed-dating, first impression is all important. Anybody who comes across as being desperate, or disinterested in a relationship is unlikely to impress his or her prospective partner. It only takes a moment to establish an impression in a relationship - and this impression more often than not, lasts for a life time. So it is extremely important that one puts forward his or her very best foot forward at the very beginning of a prospective relationship, and hope for the best! Meanwhile, for those of you interested in speed_dating in Birmingham, look out for the Birmingham speed_dating events organized this weekend, at the Speed-Dating Birmingham city! and all the best!