Life a Longer Life by Sophie Scott Rating
Updated January 21, 2015.
The Bottom Line
This books covers the broad range of anti-ageing and longevity topics extremely well. Because Ms. Scott is an established journalist, not a doctor, she can move from topic to topic without bias. The comprehensive nature and easy-to-follow explanations make this book highly recommended.
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Guide Review - Life a Longer Life by Sophie Scott
Sophie Scott, a medical reporter for the Australian Broadcasting Company, has put together this book to examine the different ideas, theories and information that exists about anti-ageing and longevity. Her approach systematically addresses topics such as preventing illnesses, food and ageing, exercise, sex, anti-ageing products and hype, mind-body and ageing and brain fitness.
This book is refreshing because of its journalistic nature. Most longevity and health ageing books examine the topic from only one angle or perspective (that of the author).
Scott covers all the components of healthy ageing without bias. This makes her book one of the most complete books on living longer available.
Americans will find the directness and simplicity of the explanations in this book refreshing. Drawbacks include an occasional lack of depth when covering a topic, a danger of some of the facts going quickly out of date as new studies come forward and an organizational structure that is sometimes hard to follow.
Overall, this book is a great place for a whirlwind tour of the field of anti-ageing medicine, longevity and healthy ageing.
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Updated January 21, 2015.
The Bottom Line
This books covers the broad range of anti-ageing and longevity topics extremely well. Because Ms. Scott is an established journalist, not a doctor, she can move from topic to topic without bias. The comprehensive nature and easy-to-follow explanations make this book highly recommended.
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- Comprehenisve look at longevity and anti-ageing.
- Easy to understand explanations.
- Written by a journalist, not a specialist in one field of longevity.
- Case studies help illustrate points.
- Some readers will want more in-depth details.
- Reads a bit like a reference book.
- Lacks an easy-to-remember summary for the anti-ageing diet.
- Contains recipes and an exercise program to foster healthy ageing.
- Comprehensive coverage of a variety of anti-ageing and longevity topics.
- Makes for a great overview book on all the major concept areas around healthy ageing and longevity.
Guide Review - Life a Longer Life by Sophie Scott
Sophie Scott, a medical reporter for the Australian Broadcasting Company, has put together this book to examine the different ideas, theories and information that exists about anti-ageing and longevity. Her approach systematically addresses topics such as preventing illnesses, food and ageing, exercise, sex, anti-ageing products and hype, mind-body and ageing and brain fitness.
This book is refreshing because of its journalistic nature. Most longevity and health ageing books examine the topic from only one angle or perspective (that of the author).
Scott covers all the components of healthy ageing without bias. This makes her book one of the most complete books on living longer available.
Americans will find the directness and simplicity of the explanations in this book refreshing. Drawbacks include an occasional lack of depth when covering a topic, a danger of some of the facts going quickly out of date as new studies come forward and an organizational structure that is sometimes hard to follow.
Overall, this book is a great place for a whirlwind tour of the field of anti-ageing medicine, longevity and healthy ageing.
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