How to Learn the Elements of Airbrushing Techniques
Have you ever wondered how those pictures & photographs you see in the print & TV media look fantastic? Ever thought to yourself "I wish my photos looked half as good as that?" Most if not all of those images you've seen will have been 'airbrushed' to some degree & in some cases, extremely!.
The term 'airbrushing' really means 'digital enhancement'.
This is done using much available software such as Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paintshop Pro & many many others.
This software is truly amazing & mind blowing at what they can do.
You see, almost any camera, digital that is, cannot produce images like those seen in the media 'straight out of the can', so to speak.
It is a common fact that the sensor in a digital camera has a much reduced 'dynamic range' to that of the human eye.
The images captured by the camera will lack contrast, brightness, colour saturation, sharpness etc...
the list goes on.
It is the correction of these issues that forms part of the 'airbrushing' process.
Only using the very expensive, top of the range cameras will you get anywhere close & even then the captured images will more than likely still need enhancing.
Whilst the images straight from the camera are perfectly acceptable without being 'tampered' with, when you've seen what this software can actually do for you, you won't want to stop.
In fact it is almost guaranteed that once you start you will go & pick all your existing favourite pics/ photos & 'DO THE MAGIC' on those..
it really gets quite addictive!! You can use this software as much or as little as you need.
The majority of people use it to just improve their photos mainly but find it superb for pretty much any sort of graphics based projects should the need arise.
It must be said as well that you will eventually find your own 'comfort zone' with the software & it is important that you are not frightened off by the huge array of tools.
To be fair, it can be bewildering to begin with but you soon realize that you'll only be using a dozen or so tools that will fulfill most of your needs.
You can do an awful lot of reading on how to learn Photoshop but one of most useful tutorials & advice is contained in online 'training videos'.
It is so gratifying looking at an 'enhanced' photo that you've rescued from the 'delete' button.
Sometimes it beggars belief that an otherwise dull looking photo can look so fantastic with a dozen or so clicks of the mouse.
With good software you can produce truly wonderful & amazing pictures..
just like the ones you've seen in the media.
All you have to do is learn.
The term 'airbrushing' really means 'digital enhancement'.
This is done using much available software such as Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Paintshop Pro & many many others.
This software is truly amazing & mind blowing at what they can do.
You see, almost any camera, digital that is, cannot produce images like those seen in the media 'straight out of the can', so to speak.
It is a common fact that the sensor in a digital camera has a much reduced 'dynamic range' to that of the human eye.
The images captured by the camera will lack contrast, brightness, colour saturation, sharpness etc...
the list goes on.
It is the correction of these issues that forms part of the 'airbrushing' process.
Only using the very expensive, top of the range cameras will you get anywhere close & even then the captured images will more than likely still need enhancing.
Whilst the images straight from the camera are perfectly acceptable without being 'tampered' with, when you've seen what this software can actually do for you, you won't want to stop.
In fact it is almost guaranteed that once you start you will go & pick all your existing favourite pics/ photos & 'DO THE MAGIC' on those..
it really gets quite addictive!! You can use this software as much or as little as you need.
The majority of people use it to just improve their photos mainly but find it superb for pretty much any sort of graphics based projects should the need arise.
It must be said as well that you will eventually find your own 'comfort zone' with the software & it is important that you are not frightened off by the huge array of tools.
To be fair, it can be bewildering to begin with but you soon realize that you'll only be using a dozen or so tools that will fulfill most of your needs.
You can do an awful lot of reading on how to learn Photoshop but one of most useful tutorials & advice is contained in online 'training videos'.
It is so gratifying looking at an 'enhanced' photo that you've rescued from the 'delete' button.
Sometimes it beggars belief that an otherwise dull looking photo can look so fantastic with a dozen or so clicks of the mouse.
With good software you can produce truly wonderful & amazing pictures..
just like the ones you've seen in the media.
All you have to do is learn.