Winning Your Ex Back
Dealing with a break up is hard on everybody--even the person who did the breaking up! Sometimes they have second thoughts. And sometimes they just broke up because things were bad and they didn't know what else to do. These are the kinds of break ups where you have the best chance for winning your ex back. How can you tell if your "broken" relationship fits into this category?
They're not dating anyone else--yet. The fact that they're not ready to date yet, means that you were special to them (But if they ARE dating again, don't despair--it could just mean that that's the way they handle things.)
It also means that they weren't running around on you, cheating behind your back. Aside from making you feel good that they weren't doing this--it means they haven't formed a relationship already.
And if they are dating, are they just dating one person? This could mean they were cheating...or that they have a friend...or that they have found someone in a similar situation, who keeps them company. In any of those cases, you may still might have a chance of winning your ex back. You just may have to put in a little more effort.
They haven't thrown out your stuff , or asked you to come and get it. Perhaps they're holding onto it for sentimental reasons. They've broken up, but aren't quite so ready to let go as they thought.
It's possible that, without any conscious awareness of it, they're not ready to really finally for sure call things off. Now, this may be something they'd never admit to themselves...
Of course, the fact that they broke up with you means that something was wrong. But the fact that they're keeping your stuff around likely points to the fact that they haven't cut the cord completely. They just knew there was a problem, and it was bad enough that they didn't know what else to do about it.
They call you up and ask you to come keep them company ,make some kind of "date" with you, or otherwise still ask you to do things with them. This is almost a kind of like an interview in a way! Or a re-assessment! Show up for your "date", dress nice, be amiable, etc. Don't overdo it in any one direction.
Don't be a pushover--especially if you weren't a pushover before! But don't be pushy either. They are the one who asked you over--give them the chance to bring the relationship up. If they don't after a while (if you're at dinner, give them until after dinner; if it's a meeting at their apartment, give it an hour--or at least half an hour!), you can ask them something.
Just make sure you respect their right not to talk about it if they don't want to. Show yourself to be pushy and you're sure to ruin your chance of winning your ex back.
These signs by themselves don't automatically mean that everything is going to turn out okay. After all, you have to step up to the plate and make things happen, if you're serious about winning your ex back. And if you notice these signs, that means you've got a fighting (or a loving) chance!
They're not dating anyone else--yet. The fact that they're not ready to date yet, means that you were special to them (But if they ARE dating again, don't despair--it could just mean that that's the way they handle things.)
It also means that they weren't running around on you, cheating behind your back. Aside from making you feel good that they weren't doing this--it means they haven't formed a relationship already.
And if they are dating, are they just dating one person? This could mean they were cheating...or that they have a friend...or that they have found someone in a similar situation, who keeps them company. In any of those cases, you may still might have a chance of winning your ex back. You just may have to put in a little more effort.
They haven't thrown out your stuff , or asked you to come and get it. Perhaps they're holding onto it for sentimental reasons. They've broken up, but aren't quite so ready to let go as they thought.
It's possible that, without any conscious awareness of it, they're not ready to really finally for sure call things off. Now, this may be something they'd never admit to themselves...
Of course, the fact that they broke up with you means that something was wrong. But the fact that they're keeping your stuff around likely points to the fact that they haven't cut the cord completely. They just knew there was a problem, and it was bad enough that they didn't know what else to do about it.
They call you up and ask you to come keep them company ,make some kind of "date" with you, or otherwise still ask you to do things with them. This is almost a kind of like an interview in a way! Or a re-assessment! Show up for your "date", dress nice, be amiable, etc. Don't overdo it in any one direction.
Don't be a pushover--especially if you weren't a pushover before! But don't be pushy either. They are the one who asked you over--give them the chance to bring the relationship up. If they don't after a while (if you're at dinner, give them until after dinner; if it's a meeting at their apartment, give it an hour--or at least half an hour!), you can ask them something.
Just make sure you respect their right not to talk about it if they don't want to. Show yourself to be pushy and you're sure to ruin your chance of winning your ex back.
These signs by themselves don't automatically mean that everything is going to turn out okay. After all, you have to step up to the plate and make things happen, if you're serious about winning your ex back. And if you notice these signs, that means you've got a fighting (or a loving) chance!