Mother"s Day - A Day You Can Truly Enjoy!
Envision the way you desire to spend Mother's Day.
What do you realistically need from this day? I used to feel selfish if I expected a certain kind of Mother's Day.
Maybe I was just guarding myself from being disappointed.
I've found that I enjoy Mother's Day more when I become proactive about what I need.
Here are some suggestions for improving your Mother's Day experience: 1.
Great expectations! Take some time to think about what you would truly enjoy if Mother's Day was celebrated the way you would like it.
Knowing what would make you feel loved and appreciated is the greatest step you can take towards truly enjoying this day for Moms.
Teamwork! Now that you have figured out the ideal way (well the best within our budgets) you would like to spend Mother's Day, help out the people who are responsible to make this day what you want it to be.
That might mean your husband, it might be your kids, or it could be your friends.
Be open with these people and tell them what would be meaningful for you.
Declare Your Day! Many of us have obligations to celebrate this day in honor of our own Moms or Mothers-in-law.
That can be viewed as a liability or an asset depending on your relationship with the relatives.
Sometimes Moms get lost in the whole "honoring" line up.
Decide to make a different day your own Mother's Day.
Let the responsible parties know.
Avoid Guilt! I struggled with this one.
I have the most wonderful Mom whom I truly honor.
I had no problem devoting a day to honor her.
At the end of the day I felt that I had been forgotten.
Then I felt selfish.
After all, it wasn't about me, it was about my Mom.
The truth is, we do want to hear that the job we do matters and is appreciated.
It is okay to tell your kids what you need from this day.
Guilt has no place on Mother's Day.
We have a tendency towards this destructive emotion without the aid of a designated day to add toward it.
Don't let guilt destroy you by allowing it into your life! 5.
Remember Your Reason! Ultimately our greatest gift is not given to us on one special day.
Our ultimate gift as Moms is not the flowers, trinkets, special dinners, etc.
Our greatest gift is the blessing of playing a part in raising these little treasures into adults that will live out their own destiny and that is what will truly honor us and make us proud! This Mother's Day, take the responsibility to live this day with the greatest enjoyment ever.
What do you realistically need from this day? I used to feel selfish if I expected a certain kind of Mother's Day.
Maybe I was just guarding myself from being disappointed.
I've found that I enjoy Mother's Day more when I become proactive about what I need.
Here are some suggestions for improving your Mother's Day experience: 1.
Great expectations! Take some time to think about what you would truly enjoy if Mother's Day was celebrated the way you would like it.
Knowing what would make you feel loved and appreciated is the greatest step you can take towards truly enjoying this day for Moms.
Teamwork! Now that you have figured out the ideal way (well the best within our budgets) you would like to spend Mother's Day, help out the people who are responsible to make this day what you want it to be.
That might mean your husband, it might be your kids, or it could be your friends.
Be open with these people and tell them what would be meaningful for you.
Declare Your Day! Many of us have obligations to celebrate this day in honor of our own Moms or Mothers-in-law.
That can be viewed as a liability or an asset depending on your relationship with the relatives.
Sometimes Moms get lost in the whole "honoring" line up.
Decide to make a different day your own Mother's Day.
Let the responsible parties know.
Avoid Guilt! I struggled with this one.
I have the most wonderful Mom whom I truly honor.
I had no problem devoting a day to honor her.
At the end of the day I felt that I had been forgotten.
Then I felt selfish.
After all, it wasn't about me, it was about my Mom.
The truth is, we do want to hear that the job we do matters and is appreciated.
It is okay to tell your kids what you need from this day.
Guilt has no place on Mother's Day.
We have a tendency towards this destructive emotion without the aid of a designated day to add toward it.
Don't let guilt destroy you by allowing it into your life! 5.
Remember Your Reason! Ultimately our greatest gift is not given to us on one special day.
Our ultimate gift as Moms is not the flowers, trinkets, special dinners, etc.
Our greatest gift is the blessing of playing a part in raising these little treasures into adults that will live out their own destiny and that is what will truly honor us and make us proud! This Mother's Day, take the responsibility to live this day with the greatest enjoyment ever.