Legal Free Credit Repair - Are There No Cost Options to Boost My Score?
When most folks start considering fixing their credit reports, the very first consideration usually is the cost, and legality of the credit repair process.
Cost is an important variable for an obvious reason, these are typically people like you and I who have had some form of financial difficulty in the past ( or even while trying to fix your credit) and you certainly do not want to compound the problem by taking on another financial obligation you cannot afford.
The other consideration should be the legality of the repair process you are considering.
Now, let me first make one thing very clear.
For the most part, by and large, most mainstream credit repair techniques are totally and completely legal.
There are very specific and definitive laws which not only give you the right to dispute items on your financial file that you feel are incorrect, but also lay out a very consumer friendly ( this is good for us! ) process by which the credit bureaus must follow in accommodating your challenge.
There is no inherent cost for this, ( other than time and materials ) and can be done by ANYONE regardless of education, background or means.
So if credit repair can be done legally, and for free, why is there such controversy about the process and costs involved? This is a great question.
Unfortunately, what happens is that once people recognize an opportunity to profiteer from the pain of others, and can work in some savvy marketing materials into the mix, you end up with all of these expensive, exotic credit repair processes that are confusing, shrouded in questionable ethics and effectiveness, and at worst, potentially illegal and will put you in a much hotter kettle of water than a bad fico score.
Things you need to avoid? File segregation services, new ID numbers, anything that sounds like murky, muddy advice - probably is! Anything that promises to fix your credit using a "computer overnight" is also worth ignoring.
Again, as we have said over and over, if it sounds too good to be true, it is! Can you fix your credit using legal, easy, and ethical means? Absolutely.
Can it be done quickly and for a very low cost.
Yes, it most definitely can.
You are guaranteed the right to have an accurate credit report.
Congress has mandated this for all of us.
It is the backbone of a fair and balanced economic system for all Americans.
If there are items on your report that need to be challenged, you can do this LEGALLY and for FREE! So if your credit is problematic, no more excuses! You are standing on the threshold of a new financial future.
Take that next step to make it a good one.
Cost is an important variable for an obvious reason, these are typically people like you and I who have had some form of financial difficulty in the past ( or even while trying to fix your credit) and you certainly do not want to compound the problem by taking on another financial obligation you cannot afford.
The other consideration should be the legality of the repair process you are considering.
Now, let me first make one thing very clear.
For the most part, by and large, most mainstream credit repair techniques are totally and completely legal.
There are very specific and definitive laws which not only give you the right to dispute items on your financial file that you feel are incorrect, but also lay out a very consumer friendly ( this is good for us! ) process by which the credit bureaus must follow in accommodating your challenge.
There is no inherent cost for this, ( other than time and materials ) and can be done by ANYONE regardless of education, background or means.
So if credit repair can be done legally, and for free, why is there such controversy about the process and costs involved? This is a great question.
Unfortunately, what happens is that once people recognize an opportunity to profiteer from the pain of others, and can work in some savvy marketing materials into the mix, you end up with all of these expensive, exotic credit repair processes that are confusing, shrouded in questionable ethics and effectiveness, and at worst, potentially illegal and will put you in a much hotter kettle of water than a bad fico score.
Things you need to avoid? File segregation services, new ID numbers, anything that sounds like murky, muddy advice - probably is! Anything that promises to fix your credit using a "computer overnight" is also worth ignoring.
Again, as we have said over and over, if it sounds too good to be true, it is! Can you fix your credit using legal, easy, and ethical means? Absolutely.
Can it be done quickly and for a very low cost.
Yes, it most definitely can.
You are guaranteed the right to have an accurate credit report.
Congress has mandated this for all of us.
It is the backbone of a fair and balanced economic system for all Americans.
If there are items on your report that need to be challenged, you can do this LEGALLY and for FREE! So if your credit is problematic, no more excuses! You are standing on the threshold of a new financial future.
Take that next step to make it a good one.