Launching Pad for the Solopreneur Microbusiness Owner
It's rather ironic, I think, to be involved in the initial stages of launching a micro home profession which assists others do the same. However, I've accumulated information and practical experience through the years which I'd like to pass on. I feel it's time for me to not simply give free tips and advice, but rather to apply my practical knowledge to the service of a greater number of people and see lives improved for the better.
Considering each individual is unique and every situation and moment in life is distinctive it's not possible for me to speak into all situations, even so I can create a good place to begin. I would like to see all of us prosper, not simply offer a service and receive a check. Additionally, if I don't help others then why would they refer others? No, of course they wouldn't. You typically really need to care about individuals before they will care about you or your company.
Getting a well-balanced cornerstone:
In order to progress in your life you must have a healthier cornerstone. A well-balanced foundation takes into account: dietary regimen, workouts, a network and soul goals.
Diet plan
Your body is a machine. As a result we need to treat the body well. We need to put the right things in and keep the wrong things away. Yes, it's regrettable the bad foods taste so darn good! Nevertheless, to be on top of our game we all must put the good food in to keep the machine running right. Our bodies were made for labor and action. So we need to put the good stuff in to make sure we the body for what it was designed for. Because most of us don't have a ton of physical activity every day we should imitate activity with a workout.
Presently I'm not the most healthy man, therefore I don't recommend you follow my program to a T, unless it's healthier than your ongoing regimen:
I begin every day with a glass of freshly juiced up vegetables and fruit. Here's what I put in:
2-3 stalks of Kale
Chunk of a beet (about the size of something you could easily fit into your palm)
Softball size bunch of spinach, parsley and cilantro
1 carrot
Golf ball size part of cucumber
2 celery stems
1 apple
1 orange
Nickel size slice of ginger
Then I'll eat a little bowl of oatmeal or cream of wheat or a waffle or yogurt with granola and fruit or bowl of cereal and a cupful of coffee. In the middle of the day I could have a peanut butter sandwich or salad and/or smoothie and for dinner a steak or fish or chicken and potatoes or rice or mac n cheese. Then dessert.
For exercise I go to the gym for an hour or ride my bike 12 to 30 miles about 3 times a week.
Emotional Well-being
In order to keep your mind well-balanced you will need to choose good inspiring folks and steer clear of the critical folks. Certainly it's always beneficial to have fair minded individuals in your world who able to highlight areas of development. You have to figure out if you're the "I will need a kick in the butt to get going" or not type of individual. Either way, we need to look at the folks in our lives and shed off those pulling us down and keep those who lift us up.
Likewise we ought to fill our heads with good, excellent, yet rational thoughts. While it's important to keep it positive and surround ourselves with positive folks, will have to continue to be anchored in reality. It's a balance, only be sure you're reinforcing happy and confidence generating values and thoughts. You can do whatever you put your mind to, but the real issue is: what do you want to do?
And lastly, we have to give thought to the religious component. Me? I'm a Christian. I follow the instruction of Jesus Christ as stated in the Holy Bible. Anyway, we need to have faith in something, a cause, much bigger than ourselves, which benefits or meets the needs of others.
So my day starts with a healthier breakfast, reading the scriptures and prayer (which consists of taking into consideration not only me and my own wants, but the concerns of others as well). Which ever way you start your day it needs to be on a good note. Or else our likelihood of disaster will dramatically increase. Each day has its own fights and it's not a matter of if, but when you will come across the toxic folks. A balanced mind, body and heart are needed to move past these types of people.
For more articles please checkout my blog: []
Considering each individual is unique and every situation and moment in life is distinctive it's not possible for me to speak into all situations, even so I can create a good place to begin. I would like to see all of us prosper, not simply offer a service and receive a check. Additionally, if I don't help others then why would they refer others? No, of course they wouldn't. You typically really need to care about individuals before they will care about you or your company.
Getting a well-balanced cornerstone:
In order to progress in your life you must have a healthier cornerstone. A well-balanced foundation takes into account: dietary regimen, workouts, a network and soul goals.
Diet plan
Your body is a machine. As a result we need to treat the body well. We need to put the right things in and keep the wrong things away. Yes, it's regrettable the bad foods taste so darn good! Nevertheless, to be on top of our game we all must put the good food in to keep the machine running right. Our bodies were made for labor and action. So we need to put the good stuff in to make sure we the body for what it was designed for. Because most of us don't have a ton of physical activity every day we should imitate activity with a workout.
Presently I'm not the most healthy man, therefore I don't recommend you follow my program to a T, unless it's healthier than your ongoing regimen:
I begin every day with a glass of freshly juiced up vegetables and fruit. Here's what I put in:
2-3 stalks of Kale
Chunk of a beet (about the size of something you could easily fit into your palm)
Softball size bunch of spinach, parsley and cilantro
1 carrot
Golf ball size part of cucumber
2 celery stems
1 apple
1 orange
Nickel size slice of ginger
Then I'll eat a little bowl of oatmeal or cream of wheat or a waffle or yogurt with granola and fruit or bowl of cereal and a cupful of coffee. In the middle of the day I could have a peanut butter sandwich or salad and/or smoothie and for dinner a steak or fish or chicken and potatoes or rice or mac n cheese. Then dessert.
For exercise I go to the gym for an hour or ride my bike 12 to 30 miles about 3 times a week.
Emotional Well-being
In order to keep your mind well-balanced you will need to choose good inspiring folks and steer clear of the critical folks. Certainly it's always beneficial to have fair minded individuals in your world who able to highlight areas of development. You have to figure out if you're the "I will need a kick in the butt to get going" or not type of individual. Either way, we need to look at the folks in our lives and shed off those pulling us down and keep those who lift us up.
Likewise we ought to fill our heads with good, excellent, yet rational thoughts. While it's important to keep it positive and surround ourselves with positive folks, will have to continue to be anchored in reality. It's a balance, only be sure you're reinforcing happy and confidence generating values and thoughts. You can do whatever you put your mind to, but the real issue is: what do you want to do?
And lastly, we have to give thought to the religious component. Me? I'm a Christian. I follow the instruction of Jesus Christ as stated in the Holy Bible. Anyway, we need to have faith in something, a cause, much bigger than ourselves, which benefits or meets the needs of others.
So my day starts with a healthier breakfast, reading the scriptures and prayer (which consists of taking into consideration not only me and my own wants, but the concerns of others as well). Which ever way you start your day it needs to be on a good note. Or else our likelihood of disaster will dramatically increase. Each day has its own fights and it's not a matter of if, but when you will come across the toxic folks. A balanced mind, body and heart are needed to move past these types of people.
For more articles please checkout my blog: []