Places To Stay In New York City
If you are coming into New York City for the very first time, finding good lodging at a reasonable price on the internet can be tough.
Pictures can only tell you this much about how the place really is.
And that is precisely why we strongly urge visitors and tourists to rely more heavily on reviews and what others had to say.
Even with heavy reliance on reviews, one would have to take into account that some reviews were merely written in bad faith.
So, here are a couple of places that comes strongly recommended based on reviews and comments.
Omni Berkshire Place is, first of all, very strategically located on 21 E 52nd St, Madison Avenue, NYC 10019, therefore, in most people's eyes, that is brownie point in their pocket.
The Omni is located halfway between Central Park and Grand Central Station, which means taking the tube and access to public transportation is an absolute breeze.
People that we have spoken to and asked have all mentioned that it makes a great place for events, gatherings, celebrations and other similar events if you are not here for the rooms.
One of the things that makes this hotel really stand out is their customer service, which has always been the main focus of their chain of hotels.
The mid-range price of the hotel rooms makes it an ideal option too, because there are many other hotels of similar quality and star rating that has higher room rates.
You can find out more information about the rooms, packages, amenities and prices from their website.
Their customer service can also be reached on 1-800-THE-OMNI.
Comfort Inn Manhattan has earned itself quite good ratings too in terms of being able to accommodate large groups of people so, this should make it the perfect place to stay in during your New York City tour and vacation and being in the middle of Manhattan is seen is a big plus point too.
Comfort Inn Manhattan is located on 42, West 35th Street, New York City 10001-221.
The unique charm about Comfort Inn is that it seems as though their rooms have their own unique charm and feel about it.
As a tourist from overseas or out of town, it has been said that this place is the perfect place for you because it is right smack in the middle of everything touristy.
In fact, the Empire State Building is at the next building, literally a stone's throw away.
You can easily find details about room packages, amenities, etc at their website.
As always, we think relying on the reviews on the internet is far more reliable than relying on ads on magazines and the papers but that is just our opinion.
Pictures can only tell you this much about how the place really is.
And that is precisely why we strongly urge visitors and tourists to rely more heavily on reviews and what others had to say.
Even with heavy reliance on reviews, one would have to take into account that some reviews were merely written in bad faith.
So, here are a couple of places that comes strongly recommended based on reviews and comments.
Omni Berkshire Place is, first of all, very strategically located on 21 E 52nd St, Madison Avenue, NYC 10019, therefore, in most people's eyes, that is brownie point in their pocket.
The Omni is located halfway between Central Park and Grand Central Station, which means taking the tube and access to public transportation is an absolute breeze.
People that we have spoken to and asked have all mentioned that it makes a great place for events, gatherings, celebrations and other similar events if you are not here for the rooms.
One of the things that makes this hotel really stand out is their customer service, which has always been the main focus of their chain of hotels.
The mid-range price of the hotel rooms makes it an ideal option too, because there are many other hotels of similar quality and star rating that has higher room rates.
You can find out more information about the rooms, packages, amenities and prices from their website.
Their customer service can also be reached on 1-800-THE-OMNI.
Comfort Inn Manhattan has earned itself quite good ratings too in terms of being able to accommodate large groups of people so, this should make it the perfect place to stay in during your New York City tour and vacation and being in the middle of Manhattan is seen is a big plus point too.
Comfort Inn Manhattan is located on 42, West 35th Street, New York City 10001-221.
The unique charm about Comfort Inn is that it seems as though their rooms have their own unique charm and feel about it.
As a tourist from overseas or out of town, it has been said that this place is the perfect place for you because it is right smack in the middle of everything touristy.
In fact, the Empire State Building is at the next building, literally a stone's throw away.
You can easily find details about room packages, amenities, etc at their website.
As always, we think relying on the reviews on the internet is far more reliable than relying on ads on magazines and the papers but that is just our opinion.