Ideas for a Corporate Health Bulletin Board
- Give employees healthy options on their health-focused bulletin board.bulletin board image by Chad McDermott from
The company bulletin board is a central point where employees can obtain general information on issues affecting the entire office. If you’re looking to add a bulletin board specifically to promote a healthy work environment, consider these tips for your staff. - Nutrition can be a common topic of discussion around the water cooler as employees consider what to eat for lunch, who’s bringing what to the potluck and how many cookies they have stashed away at their desk. Whether your employees are on or off the healthy side of the conversation, use the bulletin board to post ideas on how to balance a busy work day at the office with a nutritious diet.
- Your employees do not have to work in the service industry to be reminded to wash their hands frequently and avoid spreading germs. Health posters are an efficient way to broadcast information on colds and flu vaccinations. Contact your local health department or your corporate human resource division for flyers to post on bathroom safety and ways employees can avoid transmitting germs.
- Clear a section on the board to post upcoming events that include health and fitness activities. Your employees can team up to participate and may want to include their families. Health walks make for great causes to get employees involved in team-building while being physically active. You could also post sign-up sheets for athletic and fitness teams such as a softball league or to enter a company-wide weight loss challenge.
- An often overlooked health component ideal for posting in a corporate setting is office-related health concerns. Issues such as healthy air, ergonomical furniture and posture and lighting should be considered. There also are techniques that encourage positive work environments and increased productivity. These might include having plants in the office, the use of music while at work and aromatherapy. These tips can be posted along with coupons for products such as earphones for music and air fresheners. Interested employees also may want to make their own purchases for their office.
What To Eat
Keep It Clean
Community Event Invitations
Office Health & Productivity