Home Remedies for Fatigue
- A great way to unwind after a particularly stressful day is to engage in meditation. Sitting in a quiet area, or listening to soft music while freeing your mind of any relevant thoughts is an excellent way to achieve a peaceful state of mind. Concentrating on your breathing, saying a prayer, or reciting a work repeatedly can help you clear your thoughts and put the day's events into a proper perspective. Meditating for 15-to-20 minutes a day can drastically lower your anxiety and stress levels.
- A face mask is a great, natural way to treat yourself to some peaceful "me" time. Mix two cups of oatmeal with 1/4 cup of water and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply mixture to face and relax, letting the aroma seep into your pores. Place a cucumber slice on each eyelid and lie down for at least 10 minutes. Remove cucumber slices and turn on your side, letting the blood in your face circulate. .Gently wash oatmeal mask off with warm water. Apply your normal moisturizer.
- Studies have shown that regular exercise, regardless of intensity, can help the body better cope with daily stresses and anxieties. It is important that whatever activity you choose to do, whether it be walking, running, aerobics, etc., do the activity consistently. To be effective in helping to control emotional triggers and your responses, exercise must be done at least three times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. As you become accustomed to regular exercise, your energy level will increase.