How to Use PHP to Read a CSV File
- 1). Right-click your PHP file and select "Open With." Double-click your PHP editor, or double-click "Notepad" if you do not have a third-party editor installed on your computer. The PHP code loads in the editor.
- 2). Type the following code within the "<?php" opening tag and the "?>" closing tag. These tags denote a section for PHP code where you type your instructions.
$file = fopen("customers.csv", "r");
Replace "customers" with the name of your own CSV file. The "r" parameter indicates that you want to "read" in the file. The file is set to the "$file" variable. - 3). Type the following code to parse the data and print it to the Web page:
while (!feof($file) ) {
$line = fgetcsv($file, 1024);
print $line[0] . $line[1]. $line[2] . "<BR>";
This code reads each record and prints the fields to the Web page. - 4). Type the code to close the file:
You must close the file before closing the PHP code or the Web server holds a lock on it, which prevents you from later editing the file. - 5). Press "Ctrl"+"S" to save the changes. Open the file in your PHP debugger or in the browser to test the changes.