What Does Hot Yoga Have to Do With Your Coaching Business?
It may have more to do with your business than you think.
One example right off the start could be that for me to write this article and have it make sense and be of any consequence, I need to turn off my email and shut down Facebook.
I know myself too well.
I can get abstracted like anyone can.
So, I have to shut down distractions around me.
When I am doing my Hot Yoga, the same things are true.
I can't think about anything else except holding my pose.
If I think about my grocery list or how much better the person is next to me, I fall out.
Even in the hot room, I had to learn to not be distracted by all my sweating (room temp is 100-105 degrees and the humidity is 25-40%) I had a wonderful teacher early on who suggested not always wiping our sweat away but letting it drip.
This teaches us patience and to live with little distractions and not pay much attention.
And that this is also true in real life.
By this I mean not letting all those bright, shiny objects distract us from our real goals.
What is your goal for today, for this hour? Put yourself in a place where you can work undistracted.
Do nothing else but what you have set out to do.
As for me now, it's writing this article and then recording the audio for it.
Another distraction can also be having someone in your life be a naysayer.
"You can't do that" "You don't know enough to run a business".
Let what they say be a minor distraction, like sweat dripping down your face.
Once this is all done I can send it over to my VA (Virtual Assistant) and she handles the rest.
Then I can move on to the next project (or that next pose.
) Another way I see Hot Yoga and Business alike is that they both require taking risks.
If you don't take risks in your business and do things that sometimes you are afraid to do, then your business will be stuck and you won't move forward.
The same is true with Hot Yoga so that every time you go to class you never try to push it more, you never try to stretch it, you will never get better or improve.
Much better to fall out of pose a couple, few times a class and know that you are progressing.
Every day in your life you have the opportunity to grow.
There may be times we say 'no' to an opportunity for a variety of reasons.
Maybe it will take you off track and you are determined to stay on track.
Good for you.
Not all opportunities are created equal.
Not all poses are created equal.
Some we are great at and some not.
Either way, you grow your business and grow yourself, your stamina, your body.
May there be a message here somewhere.
As you do one thing is how you do everything.
One example right off the start could be that for me to write this article and have it make sense and be of any consequence, I need to turn off my email and shut down Facebook.
I know myself too well.
I can get abstracted like anyone can.
So, I have to shut down distractions around me.
When I am doing my Hot Yoga, the same things are true.
I can't think about anything else except holding my pose.
If I think about my grocery list or how much better the person is next to me, I fall out.
Even in the hot room, I had to learn to not be distracted by all my sweating (room temp is 100-105 degrees and the humidity is 25-40%) I had a wonderful teacher early on who suggested not always wiping our sweat away but letting it drip.
This teaches us patience and to live with little distractions and not pay much attention.
And that this is also true in real life.
By this I mean not letting all those bright, shiny objects distract us from our real goals.
What is your goal for today, for this hour? Put yourself in a place where you can work undistracted.
Do nothing else but what you have set out to do.
As for me now, it's writing this article and then recording the audio for it.
Another distraction can also be having someone in your life be a naysayer.
"You can't do that" "You don't know enough to run a business".
Let what they say be a minor distraction, like sweat dripping down your face.
Once this is all done I can send it over to my VA (Virtual Assistant) and she handles the rest.
Then I can move on to the next project (or that next pose.
) Another way I see Hot Yoga and Business alike is that they both require taking risks.
If you don't take risks in your business and do things that sometimes you are afraid to do, then your business will be stuck and you won't move forward.
The same is true with Hot Yoga so that every time you go to class you never try to push it more, you never try to stretch it, you will never get better or improve.
Much better to fall out of pose a couple, few times a class and know that you are progressing.
Every day in your life you have the opportunity to grow.
There may be times we say 'no' to an opportunity for a variety of reasons.
Maybe it will take you off track and you are determined to stay on track.
Good for you.
Not all opportunities are created equal.
Not all poses are created equal.
Some we are great at and some not.
Either way, you grow your business and grow yourself, your stamina, your body.
May there be a message here somewhere.
As you do one thing is how you do everything.