Junk Food for Dogs Vs. Healthy Food for Dogs
- Feeding dogs junk food can cause imbalances in their systems just like if a human were to eat junk food in copious amounts. Some foods that are fine for people can be toxic for dogs in small or large amounts. It is also harmful to feed a dog human sized portions because it may cause bloat which is fatal if untreated within the hour.
- Avoid a lazy dog by feeding him healthy, natural foods.dog image by Michal Tudek from Fotolia.com
Dogs who are fed junk food are more lethargic and depressed than dogs who are fed a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Dogs who eat junk food or that are fed from the table will come to expect this food which can cause behavioral problems when the dogs are not fed what they want. - Peanut butter is used as a natural treat for dogs. Treats can be used sparingly in order to reward a dog for good behavior or following a command correctly, but don't let them rely on a treat to behave well. Treats are fine in moderation but they should not be substituted for actual food.
- Fetch is a good way to exercise your dog.funny dog ears flap high retrieve vizsla run play image by Paul Retherford from Fotolia.com
If you are trying to get your dog up to a healthy weight, try feeding him a well-balanced diet and exercising with him as much as you can. There are healthy dog foods that boost muscle and weight gain. - Onions can cause anemia in dogs if fed regularly.onion image by Marek Kosmal from Fotolia.com
Feeding a dog more will not make them weigh more. It all depends on the dog's metabolism and the more you feed your dog the more it will have to use the bathroom rather than gaining any weight. Some common people food is actually toxic to dogs. Onions, chocolate and milk are all common foods dogs cannot eat.
Physical Effects of Feeding Dogs Junk Food
Mental Effects of Feeding Dogs Junk Food
Junk Foods That are OK For Dogs
Alternative Strategies for Dogs to Gain Weight