How to Make a D2 Server
- 1). Download the PvPGN emulator from BerliOS Developer. Copy the PvPGN files into your "Diablo 2" directory after downloading.
- 2). Download the D2GS files from and place them into a folder, named "D2GS," in the PvPGN directory.
- 3). Open the "D2GS" folder, right-click on the d2gs.reg file and click edit. Find the line that reads "D2CSIP=" and place the IP address of the computer that is going to run the server after the "=" sign.
- 4). Open the PvPGN folder, locate the d2cs.conf file and right-click it to open it with word pad. Alter the line that says "realmname = D2CS" to "realmname = "my realm." Insert the IP address of your server in the line "servaddrs =" after the "=" sign. Change "gameservlist =" to have your server's IP address and the line "bnetdaddr =" to have it as well. Save and close the file.
- 5). Open the "realm.list" file in a text-editor program and change the line ["REALM IN d2cs.conf"]["REALM DESCRIPTION"][your IP address here] :6113 [PUBLIC SERVER IP] :6113 to have your server's IP address where it says "your IP address here" and "public server IP." Save and close the file.
- 6). Run the PvPGN emulator with the .exe file. Log on as an administrator and click on tools, then select to start D2DBS, D2CS and "Diablo 2" closed server. Your server should now be running.