The History of Melting Wax for Seals
- Wax seals were originally used to assure the privacy of letters, allowing the recipient to know if the letter had been read in transit. A broken seal was a clear sign of tampering.
- The original seals were simply melted beeswax poured over the flap of a letter. The wax would range in color from nearly transparent to brown, depending on the quality of the wax. In the 11th century, artisans began adding colors to the waxes, such as red and black. These first seals were not tamper-proof, however, as the letter could be opened and then resealed with similar wax. For this reason, stamps or seals were created so people could impress their personal design or crest into the warm wax, making forgery difficult. These seals did more than simply designate the sender of the letter. They could also give information about the status of the owner, their hobbies or profession, or the family crest.
- The size of the wax seal was dependent on the size of the owner's personal seal. They ranged in size from very small, such as a seal that was set into a ring, to large royal seals that could be as large as 10 inches in diameter, such as that of Russian czar Alexander II in 1856. Seals were often destroyed after the death of the owner, which is why ancient seals are a rarity today.
- Today, many different colors and varieties of sealing wax are available for purchase, and many of the traditions surrounding its usage have fallen out of common knowledge. Two of the most common colors used for specific purposes were red and black, red being used for business correspondence and black for letters of mourning or condolences.
- The self-sealing envelopes of today have replaced wax seals as a preferred method of closing letters and other documents. However, wax seals are still used today for some important documents, though their usage is often decorative, rather than functional. Wax seals are also used for personal communications, wedding invitations, and for decorative uses. In addition to traditional styles of wax seals, prestamped, adhesive seals are now available for those who prefer a no-mess alternative.
History and Usage
Modern Usage