The Best Dog to Have With a New Baby
- Yorkshire terrierdog yorkshire terrier carrying a piece of wood image by svehlik from
Small to mid-size breeds such as spaniels and terriers make good family pets and are easy to care for. They can be exercised when you take the baby out for a stroll in his pram, or play in a backyard to run off excess energy. - Labradors make good family pets.labrador image by asb from
A large dog such as a Labrador or setter can be a suitable pet for a family with a baby. The Labrador is known for its friendly temperament and tolerance toward children, and thrives in a family environment with love and attention and a big backyard in which to play. - Cavalier King Charles spanielCavalier King Charles image by Carole Mineo from
Large dogs need plenty of exercise and long runs, while a small dog can be taken for a walk whenever you take the baby out for a stroll. Cavalier King Charles spaniels in particular have a mild temperament, enjoy company and are very good-natured with children.
A Small Dog Is Easy to Care For
A Large Dog Can Be a Suitable Pet
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