Information on Dust Mites & Bedbugs
- According to the Mayo Clinic, dust mites are not visible to the naked eye, measuring 1/100th of an inch. They are a relative of the spider and consume dead human skin byproducts. Most dust comprises dead human skin, making dust the primary place for dust mites to thrive. They live in warm and humid environments such as carpets, bedding and pillows. Dust mites cannot live in cold temperatures below 70 degrees.
- Bedbugs are tiny, wingless bugs that live off the blood of animals and humans. Unlike dust mites, bed bugs may be seen with the human eye and are primarily identifiable because of their bites and brownish color they leave behind. The Cimex lectularius is the most common bedbug that prefers humans, according to the University of Kentucky.
- A person with a dust mite allergy may experience symptoms such as sleeplessness, watery eyes, nasal congestion and puffy eyes. The immune system identifies the proteins in the dust mite as a threat to the body, so it attempts to attack the proteins with antibodies and histamine. These chemicals cause an allergic reaction in various parts of the body.
- Bedbugs can feast on a human in 10 minutes, not waking the person. Bed bugs are not like lice, which infest the scalp and create a habitat. After biting humans, bedbugs leave and return to dark crevices, such as under a mattress. Concerns that bedbugs can spread disease are likely unfounded, but this is not confirmed. They spread from people traveling with pillows, suitcases and handbags. The main concern of bed bugs is the irritated and itchy bites they leave behind.
- Both dust mites and bed bugs can be treated with topical or oral antihistamines. Antihistamines for dust mites reduce the amount allergic reactions in the body and relieve itching from bed bug bites. Topical corticosteroids are used to treat bedbug bite irritations and nasal corticosteroids are used to reduce nasal complications from a dust mite allergy.
Dust Mite Definition
Bedbug Definition
Dust Mite Allergy Cause
Bedbug Concerns
Dust Mite and Bedbug Treatment