A Short List of Multilevel Marketing Companies
If you're interested in joining an MLM company, your best bet is probably one that has an established presence.
Known MLM companies have the advantage of recognizability and brand recall, particularly if their products have had positive reviews and considerable success in the past.
Multi-million dollar companies such as Avon and Tupperware, for example, have already become household names.
To give you an idea of the types of businesses that are currently available, here is a list of multilevel marketing companies you might be interested in joining: Quixtar Quixtar is a big name in the multilevel marketing business.
It was founded in 1999 and belongs to the same holding company as another famous MLM company, Amway.
Quixtar was its internet-based sister.
Quixtar is the distributor of dietary supplements, health drinks, health products, air purifiers and cosmetics.
The brand names include Nutrilite, XS Energy and Artistry.
As members, distributors earn income from their individual sales, along with the sales generated by their sponsored members.
In its 2006 fiscal year, Quixtar paid over $370 million in the form of incentives and bonuses.
In 2007, the company announced that Quixtar will be gradually dissolved to make way for the Amway brand in its North American operations.
Fund America Fund America, Inc.
sells consumer club memberships using multilevel marketing.
Members earn while spending at the same time.
Fund America works in partnership with several service providers, including MCI Communications, Best Products, Ask Mr.
Foster Travel and MBNA America Bank, among others.
Purchases made from these service providers provide members with rebates which they can then transfer to their own annuity accounts that bear compounding interest.
This annuity is tax-deferred.
Members can also take advantage of rebates from pre-clipped coupons that the company provides.
Although Fund America got into trouble in 1990, it has since re-emerged as a new business.
is a publicly-listed multilevel company that started operations in 1994 in Texas.
It has operations in several countries in North America, Asia, the U.
and Europe.
It distributes natural health and skin care products, nutritional supplements and weight management products.
Monavie Monavie (sometimes MonaVie or Mona Vie) is the manufacturer and distributor of fruit-based juice.
The most famous blend is one that contains Acai berry, which used as a health supplement.
Although its products are sold mostly through multilevel marketing, Monavie also allows distribution through online retailers.
Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
This multilevel marketing company sells plans offering legal services through law firms in both the United States and Canada.
The services include legal consultation, defense (traffic violation), review and preparation of documents, defense for general trials and other related services.
This MLM company was founded in 1972 as The Sportsman's Motor Club.
It soon graduated to selling legal plans starting in 1983.
It became public a year later first with NASDAQ and later at the American Stock Exchange.
It then moved to the NY Stock Exchange in 1999.
Other than legal plans, it also offers riders.
The Legal Shield, for example, offers 24-hour legal access should a member be arrested, detained, served a warrant or involved in an automobile accident.
Herbalife Herbalife International has been a multilevel marketing company for two decades.
It distributes health products, including those used for skin care, nutrition and weight loss.
The first Herbalife products were actually sold from a car's trunk.
Within two years, the company had tipped $2,000,000 in product sales.
Fourteen years later, Herbalife's annual sales exceeded $1 billion.
Known MLM companies have the advantage of recognizability and brand recall, particularly if their products have had positive reviews and considerable success in the past.
Multi-million dollar companies such as Avon and Tupperware, for example, have already become household names.
To give you an idea of the types of businesses that are currently available, here is a list of multilevel marketing companies you might be interested in joining: Quixtar Quixtar is a big name in the multilevel marketing business.
It was founded in 1999 and belongs to the same holding company as another famous MLM company, Amway.
Quixtar was its internet-based sister.
Quixtar is the distributor of dietary supplements, health drinks, health products, air purifiers and cosmetics.
The brand names include Nutrilite, XS Energy and Artistry.
As members, distributors earn income from their individual sales, along with the sales generated by their sponsored members.
In its 2006 fiscal year, Quixtar paid over $370 million in the form of incentives and bonuses.
In 2007, the company announced that Quixtar will be gradually dissolved to make way for the Amway brand in its North American operations.
Fund America Fund America, Inc.
sells consumer club memberships using multilevel marketing.
Members earn while spending at the same time.
Fund America works in partnership with several service providers, including MCI Communications, Best Products, Ask Mr.
Foster Travel and MBNA America Bank, among others.
Purchases made from these service providers provide members with rebates which they can then transfer to their own annuity accounts that bear compounding interest.
This annuity is tax-deferred.
Members can also take advantage of rebates from pre-clipped coupons that the company provides.
Although Fund America got into trouble in 1990, it has since re-emerged as a new business.
is a publicly-listed multilevel company that started operations in 1994 in Texas.
It has operations in several countries in North America, Asia, the U.
and Europe.
It distributes natural health and skin care products, nutritional supplements and weight management products.
Monavie Monavie (sometimes MonaVie or Mona Vie) is the manufacturer and distributor of fruit-based juice.
The most famous blend is one that contains Acai berry, which used as a health supplement.
Although its products are sold mostly through multilevel marketing, Monavie also allows distribution through online retailers.
Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
This multilevel marketing company sells plans offering legal services through law firms in both the United States and Canada.
The services include legal consultation, defense (traffic violation), review and preparation of documents, defense for general trials and other related services.
This MLM company was founded in 1972 as The Sportsman's Motor Club.
It soon graduated to selling legal plans starting in 1983.
It became public a year later first with NASDAQ and later at the American Stock Exchange.
It then moved to the NY Stock Exchange in 1999.
Other than legal plans, it also offers riders.
The Legal Shield, for example, offers 24-hour legal access should a member be arrested, detained, served a warrant or involved in an automobile accident.
Herbalife Herbalife International has been a multilevel marketing company for two decades.
It distributes health products, including those used for skin care, nutrition and weight loss.
The first Herbalife products were actually sold from a car's trunk.
Within two years, the company had tipped $2,000,000 in product sales.
Fourteen years later, Herbalife's annual sales exceeded $1 billion.