How To Work On Saving Your Troubled Relationship
If you feel your marriage is in trouble, but you don't want to give up on it just yet, then brace yourself to revive your marriage and relatinship. There are many books about it and lots of advice given from friends and counselors. There are marriage therapists to go to for counseling but most everyone will end up saying the same things and will not give you sound advice to take action on.
Genuinely accepting and be honest with one another is the single most important anyone can do during the process of repairing a relationship. Although this isn't easy, most of the troubles in a relationship are shared and both partners have to be willing to accept this You have to own up to your own flaws and accept that there may be some truth to the complaints that your significant other has brought to your attention. If you want the other party in your relationship to change things you must realize there are probably things that you need to work on as well. If you want them to keep an open mind about things that you wish for them to work on then you must do the same in return to really make it work.
Communicate about the issues, and once things have been settled are agreed upon, drop them and continue to move forward. Much of the problems that relationships face is due to the fact that there is someone in the relationship, or maybe both in the relationship, who cant let things go and like to hold on to grudges. Don't let that happen at any cost.. If there were things that happened in the past that have been dealt with, then let them go. When you do have discussions or misunderstandings don't bring up the past. Deal with the present. Don't don't fight battles more than once.
If your goal is to truly rescue your marriage, then these are just some things you can do to revive your relationship.
Genuinely accepting and be honest with one another is the single most important anyone can do during the process of repairing a relationship. Although this isn't easy, most of the troubles in a relationship are shared and both partners have to be willing to accept this You have to own up to your own flaws and accept that there may be some truth to the complaints that your significant other has brought to your attention. If you want the other party in your relationship to change things you must realize there are probably things that you need to work on as well. If you want them to keep an open mind about things that you wish for them to work on then you must do the same in return to really make it work.
Communicate about the issues, and once things have been settled are agreed upon, drop them and continue to move forward. Much of the problems that relationships face is due to the fact that there is someone in the relationship, or maybe both in the relationship, who cant let things go and like to hold on to grudges. Don't let that happen at any cost.. If there were things that happened in the past that have been dealt with, then let them go. When you do have discussions or misunderstandings don't bring up the past. Deal with the present. Don't don't fight battles more than once.
If your goal is to truly rescue your marriage, then these are just some things you can do to revive your relationship.