How to Move Large Rocks With Magnets
- 1). Put on the protective eye wear. Tie the rope around the magnet as a way to move the rock once it has attached. Place the rock in an oven and heat for about 30 minutes. The heat causes the magnetic elements in the rock to align easier and create a stronger magnet.
- 2). Take the magnet out of the oven, wearing the heat resistant gloves. Place the magnet near the rock. The magnetic field created by the two objects creates either an attractive or repulsive force, depending on the alignment of the poles. Attractive forces cause the objects to connect. Repulsive forces push them away.
- 3). Move the rock using repulsive force by pressing the magnet closer to the rock. As the magnet gets closer, the repulsion moves the rock away from the magnet. The larger the rock, the larger the repulsive force needed to move it.
- 4). Move the rock using attractive forces by attaching the magnet to the rock. The attractive forces keeps the objects connected. Grab the rope. Pull it, and the rock will move with the magnet if the attractive force is strong enough. The larger and heavier the rock, the larger an attractive force must be to move the rock.