What Are the Dangers of Storing Vitamins With Prescription Meds?
- Taking the wrong pills disrupts the schedule set for the original prescribed medicines. This can also lead to inadequate or excessive dosage can be taken in a day. Wrong medication reduces the ability of the prescribed medicines to accomplish their individual tasks which can lead to further health problems. According to the Denver Post, there is a growing problem of accidentally taking too many prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs (OTC). In 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that the second-leading cause of accidental deaths nationwide is drug interaction, just behind auto accidents.
- Storing medicines and vitamins in the refrigerator and low shelves provides easy access for curious children. Prescribed medicines come in different tablets and capsules with different colors. They can easily be mistaken as vitamins. If young children are used to the routine of taking colorful vitamins, they will not be able distinguish the difference between these vitamins and prescription tablets. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 30 percent of children’s deaths from medication are caused by taking medicines containing high iron intended for adults.
- Being prone to illnesses, the elderly people can have several prescription medicines from different doctors and various pharmacies. They also have to maintain rigorous schedules for taking such pills. Having poor vision and unsteady memory are factors that increase the chances for elderly people to commit mistakes in taking their medications. The family and caregivers play a crucial role in identifying and preventing medication-related problems.
- Aside from separating vitamins and herbal supplements from prescription drugs, keeping a written and accessible list of all the medications for people at home increases the safety measures. If multiple tablets are taken, always asks the pharmacist if such tablets have alterations in color, size and other markings. It is best to keep the medications and vitamins in their original container. However, if there are elderly people or children at home, grouping the medicines together in a container and labeling such items in big bold letters impedes confusion especially during emergency situations.
- Conducting general cleaning every month allows you to check if different tablets are mixed together and if there are expired medicines that need to be disposed of. Concerned individuals should gain a clear understanding of the different effects of prescription drugs and vitamins on the patient. Knowing the time frame involved for these effects to surface is also crucial. Such knowledge and understanding can help determine if wrong medication is taking place.