Celiac Disease and Advantages of Fruits
The damaged lining of small intestine prevents to absorb parts of food which are important for staying healthy is known as the celiac disease. The damage happened due to consuming wheat, barley, rye and possibly oats. Villi, the lining area of the intestine, help absorbing nutrient. But when people eat foods or use products which contains gluten, their immune system reacts by damaging the villi.
Asserting of protein, it is the important consistence of the body. It goes to make up enzymes, antibodies, hormones, hemoglobin, nail, bone, muscles, cartilage, blood, teeth, skin, and every cell in the body. It keeps the immune system strong and healthy in the body, it helps body recoup quickly fatigue from body; it repairs tissue and helps to heal cuts and wounds.
Fish, eggs, chicken, pork, beans (including soy and black, pinto, lentil etc), nuts, seeds (like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds etc) are the major sources of protein. Besides this milk, grams, fruits are also the sources of getting proteins. As far as fruit is concerned it can be a good source of proteins, though not so much as the vegetables, beans and legumes. Dried fruits and berries are the best sources of protein.
But seriously, fruit like apple, banana, blueberry, are the nature's food but not as rich in vitamins and minerals as the vegetables. Cranberry, lime, papaya, plums water melons are the good approach for vitamin. Dried fruits like apricots, resins, and Dates are also the storehouse of calcium, iron which are essential for strengthening the bones and good blood respectively. Custard apple too is excellent source of calcium. One or two fruit a day cleans the digestive tract and adds easy bowel action.
The effective sources of vitamin-C are oranges, guavas, custard apples, lemons. Eat them raw they provide good amount of protein. Papaya is also supposed to be the source of vitamin-C and carotene which converts to vitamin –A in the body.
Apple, lemon, orange and pomegranate assist in proper functioning of heart. Nutrients mainly found in apple, date and mangoes which helps to sharpen the memory and also prevents exhaustion, hysteria, insomnia and mental tension.
The low level of sodium in the fruits plays an important role for people who avail of salt free diet so pregnant women eat two – three of fresh fruit helps them to gather strength.
The fruits containing vitamin-C (oranges, lemon, guava) are very good antioxidant which helps to fight the various free radical produced in the body. These free radicals cause various diseases like cancer, and even lead to aging.
Make food essential part of your diet as it contains low calories and fats. Fruit juice is also beneficial to the body as it supplies instant energy in the body.
It's better to consume whole fruits than taking its juice because the whole fruits contain fibers which act as the laxative and helps to reduce constipation.
If possible consume the whole fruit with its skin. The skin contains many useful nutrients and is also a very good source of fiber.
Thus if we want to have a dazzling personality and good health we should include all the seasonal fruits in our diet.
Asserting of protein, it is the important consistence of the body. It goes to make up enzymes, antibodies, hormones, hemoglobin, nail, bone, muscles, cartilage, blood, teeth, skin, and every cell in the body. It keeps the immune system strong and healthy in the body, it helps body recoup quickly fatigue from body; it repairs tissue and helps to heal cuts and wounds.
Fish, eggs, chicken, pork, beans (including soy and black, pinto, lentil etc), nuts, seeds (like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds etc) are the major sources of protein. Besides this milk, grams, fruits are also the sources of getting proteins. As far as fruit is concerned it can be a good source of proteins, though not so much as the vegetables, beans and legumes. Dried fruits and berries are the best sources of protein.
But seriously, fruit like apple, banana, blueberry, are the nature's food but not as rich in vitamins and minerals as the vegetables. Cranberry, lime, papaya, plums water melons are the good approach for vitamin. Dried fruits like apricots, resins, and Dates are also the storehouse of calcium, iron which are essential for strengthening the bones and good blood respectively. Custard apple too is excellent source of calcium. One or two fruit a day cleans the digestive tract and adds easy bowel action.
The effective sources of vitamin-C are oranges, guavas, custard apples, lemons. Eat them raw they provide good amount of protein. Papaya is also supposed to be the source of vitamin-C and carotene which converts to vitamin –A in the body.
Apple, lemon, orange and pomegranate assist in proper functioning of heart. Nutrients mainly found in apple, date and mangoes which helps to sharpen the memory and also prevents exhaustion, hysteria, insomnia and mental tension.
The low level of sodium in the fruits plays an important role for people who avail of salt free diet so pregnant women eat two – three of fresh fruit helps them to gather strength.
The fruits containing vitamin-C (oranges, lemon, guava) are very good antioxidant which helps to fight the various free radical produced in the body. These free radicals cause various diseases like cancer, and even lead to aging.
Make food essential part of your diet as it contains low calories and fats. Fruit juice is also beneficial to the body as it supplies instant energy in the body.
It's better to consume whole fruits than taking its juice because the whole fruits contain fibers which act as the laxative and helps to reduce constipation.
If possible consume the whole fruit with its skin. The skin contains many useful nutrients and is also a very good source of fiber.
Thus if we want to have a dazzling personality and good health we should include all the seasonal fruits in our diet.