Transform Your Life - Change Your Beliefs Part II
Determine Your Beliefs To determine what your beliefs are, think about the things you say to yourself inside your head throughout the day, during different circumstances, especially the situations that cause you discomfort, for example when you are having a bad day.
What do you say to yourself under those conditions? Here are a few examples of some negative beliefs:
As far as your mind is concerned, it will do what you tell it to do, and find the right situation, person, words, etc.
to make what you believe come true.
From Part I of this article, we learned that beliefs act like our filters.
We will filter out the information and situations coming at us in order to confirm our belief and make it true for us.
These beliefs trigger emotions, which then causes a behavior.
If you want to change the behavior, you must change the belief.
Change Your Thinking Some beliefs are buried very deeply.
They take hard work to evaluate and reverse.
In order to change and truly grow, you must first change the negative belief that is running in your subconscious mind.
It is searching to validate your belief without you even realizing it.
Once you determine the belief, change it to a positive, present tense statement.
Using the above examples they would become:
Repeat these positive affirmations to yourself over and over and over again.
In the shower, in the mirror, write them down, read them out loud every night just before you go to bed, and read them out loud the moment you wake up.
Repeat them to yourself in your head when you wake up in the middle of the night.
When you are reading them, and saying them in the mirror, or saying them in your head while you are driving, be passionate about it.
The more feeling you put into it the more attention your mind will pay to what you are telling it.
The key is to repeat them constantly until you start to feel that part of your life changing.
What you are doing here is basically "reprogramming" your brain.
These new messages have to be sent over and over and over with strong emotion behind it for your mind to start making the shift and overwriting the old belief.
The next, and last, article in series will discuss tools you can use to help change these beliefs buried deep in your subconscious mind.
What do you say to yourself under those conditions? Here are a few examples of some negative beliefs:
- I am always sick
- I am a failure.
- I am afraid of being alone.
- It is everyone else's fault that my life is like this.
- I am not good enough.
As far as your mind is concerned, it will do what you tell it to do, and find the right situation, person, words, etc.
to make what you believe come true.
From Part I of this article, we learned that beliefs act like our filters.
We will filter out the information and situations coming at us in order to confirm our belief and make it true for us.
These beliefs trigger emotions, which then causes a behavior.
If you want to change the behavior, you must change the belief.
Change Your Thinking Some beliefs are buried very deeply.
They take hard work to evaluate and reverse.
In order to change and truly grow, you must first change the negative belief that is running in your subconscious mind.
It is searching to validate your belief without you even realizing it.
Once you determine the belief, change it to a positive, present tense statement.
Using the above examples they would become:
- I am healthy.
- My life is a success.
- I surround myself with love and healthy friendships.
- I am responsible for my own life.
- I accept and love myself the way I am.
Repeat these positive affirmations to yourself over and over and over again.
In the shower, in the mirror, write them down, read them out loud every night just before you go to bed, and read them out loud the moment you wake up.
Repeat them to yourself in your head when you wake up in the middle of the night.
When you are reading them, and saying them in the mirror, or saying them in your head while you are driving, be passionate about it.
The more feeling you put into it the more attention your mind will pay to what you are telling it.
The key is to repeat them constantly until you start to feel that part of your life changing.
What you are doing here is basically "reprogramming" your brain.
These new messages have to be sent over and over and over with strong emotion behind it for your mind to start making the shift and overwriting the old belief.
The next, and last, article in series will discuss tools you can use to help change these beliefs buried deep in your subconscious mind.