How to Ensure Success for Your Logo Design Contest on Crowdsourcing Marketplaces

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Crowdsourcing marketplaces are gaining huge popularity with small and medium sized businesses. Even many global players have also crowdsourced their design projects successfully to get a variety of design ideas. Mushrooming of such online design marketplaces on the web is itself a proof of the usefulness and growing popularity of such sites.
However, you need to take extra caution if you wish to launch your logo design contest successfully on the crowdsourcing sites. Many such contests fail to evoke the desired response from designers. Such failed contests usually lack some key considerations necessary for launching contests to the advantage of the business and organization.
Here are some crucial aspects that you need to keep in mind when launching your logo design contest.
How to find the right crowdsourcing marketplace?

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Hundreds of new and old crowdsourcing marketplaces of all kinds have mushroomed on the web. This has made it difficult to pick the right one. But comparison of such sites can help you get access to the one that suits your requisites to the T. Compare these sites for their easier terms and conditions, design rights policies, packages and other striking features.
Reputed names of the design crowdsourcing sites are always reliable. For example, a reputable crowdsourcing marketplace like Designhill has hundreds of professional and amateurs logo designers in its fold. So, if you choose to crowd source your design project on Designhill, you get access to superbly talented designers registered with the site. The site will also ensure that as a contest owner, you get all the necessary rights over the winning design that you have selected. You can launch the contest at affordable rates under different packages of your choice. Just for a paltry sum, you can have hundreds of logo design concepts to choose from.
How to launch a contest in the right way?

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The first step to launch a contest on crowdsourcing sites is to Sign Up for an account. These sites mostly offer free membership. Once you have signed up for an account, you can launch a logo design contest by simply filling out the design brief form on the site. Then, you need to select a package that suits your existing budget.
Next, you must choose the payment procedure. After you have made the payments, your logo design contest will be launched on the site and intimation will be send to registered designers to participate in your contest.
How to Write an Effective Design Brief?

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Writing an effective design brief is crucial to the success of your logo design contest. The brief is guidance for the designers regarding required elements, your business and organization and the way you want your logo to look.
A key to successful design brief is that it should provide as many details as possible to the designers. Give details about your business and organization. Tell about your business history and the customer segment you want to target through your logo.
- The brief should describe your business goals.
- Make sure that your brief is clear in what you want to communicate through your logo.
- Ensure that the brief has a clear business message about your logo.
- Make sure to illustrate how your business and company are different from your competitors.
- Describe your target market and customers. Elaborate on the age, lifestyle, economic background etc. of your target audience.
- Mention and provide any text or pictures that you want in your logo.
- Mention the deadline and last date for submitting the design concepts.
How to set your budget and time scale/deadline?

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When selecting a budget and time scale/deadline to launch logo design contest, you need to keep some key points in mind.
First of all, know that a good amount offered for winning design always helps in attracting more designers towards the contest. Talented designers will do their best to win your contest due to the high prize money on offer. So, prefer selecting the highest design package on the site.
But if you are a startup company or small business, even the smallest package will serve well. You will get dozens of design concepts with these packages.
When deciding on the time scale or deadline for your logo design contest, know that a greater period of the contest allows for better quality of logo design. If the designers spend more time on the project, they will ensure better design quality and unique concepts. Moreover, designers who would have missed the contest for some reasons will be able to participate in the contest later.
How to select the winning design?

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Within a short period, you start getting dozens of logo design entries from across the world. This is sure to create a problem of plenty for you and the selection of a winning design would become too difficult for you. In fact, often the contest holders get perplexed and confused by the staggering participation and too many excellent design concepts.
One of the effective ways to select the perfect logo design out of many is to launch your own poll. Select five to six best logo concepts and launch a survey poll on your social media account such as Facebook. Then ask your viewers to vote for the design that they think is the best. Basis the result of the survey, you can easily take your pick.
You can of course take help of experts and friends in selecting a logo design that is good enough to represent your business and organization.