Couple costumes for halloween night
This day is celebrated by everyone from kids, tweens, youngsters, parents, couples, old age etc. We can be the way we want to. For a couples costume to be fun and enjoyable it should be one that both individuals are comfortable with, both in terms of what famous couple they choose and how well the costumes suit them personally. Choosing a famous couple makes the costume more noticeable and may lead to assumptions about favorite movies, hobbies or interests as well. A couple, even if they are just friends, should choose a costume that reflects well on both of them and can help make the event fun and memorable. A traditional couple is a team or family. In a family, daughter and son can become Jack and Kelly Osbourne, wife and ex-husband can become Britney and Kevin Federline. Anyone can go out as a couple. It is not important that it has to be your family member only. It can be your next door neighbor also. It is not that difficult to get famous couples costumes. You can buy celebrity couples costumes at any Halloween retailer, online or locally. Some of the famous traditional couple costumes that people prefer are: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd, Miley Cyrus and Hanna Montana. If a couple wants to dress up like Brad Pitt then just grab a spikey wig and a long black hair wig and some shades to round out Brad Pitt. If a couple goes out to a Halloween party as Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana it could be great fun. Apart from this, couples can go out as Bonnie and Clyde, Cleopatra and Antony, Caesar and Brutus, Frankenstein and the bride of Frankenstein, Michael Jackson and Priscilla, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
Some of the non traditional couple costumes include King Kong and a Banana, Convict and Guard, Politician and Devil. Couples can also dress up like cartoon characters, TV couples, Movie and Funky couples. Historical couples can be Adam and Eve, George and Martha Washington, Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra, 50s couple, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie etc. Couples can also wear cartoon costumes like Batman and Robin, Charlie Brown and Lucy, Shrek and Fiona, Cinderella and Prince Charming, Dora and Diego, Steve and Blue. Some of the famous TV couples are Lucy and Ricky, Herman and Lily Munster, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, Simon and Paula etc. Some of the famous movie couples are Scarlett and Rhett, Sandy and Danny, Victor and Victoria from Corpse Bride, Austin powers and Felicity Shagwell, Star Wars characters are all cool ideas. Some of the funky couples are Ketchup and Mustard, Salt and Pepper, Cheerleader and Football player, Bacon and eggs etc. Other ideas are doctor and nurse, nun and priest or angel and devil.
Some of the non traditional couple costumes include King Kong and a Banana, Convict and Guard, Politician and Devil. Couples can also dress up like cartoon characters, TV couples, Movie and Funky couples. Historical couples can be Adam and Eve, George and Martha Washington, Romeo and Juliet, Anthony and Cleopatra, 50s couple, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie etc. Couples can also wear cartoon costumes like Batman and Robin, Charlie Brown and Lucy, Shrek and Fiona, Cinderella and Prince Charming, Dora and Diego, Steve and Blue. Some of the famous TV couples are Lucy and Ricky, Herman and Lily Munster, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, Simon and Paula etc. Some of the famous movie couples are Scarlett and Rhett, Sandy and Danny, Victor and Victoria from Corpse Bride, Austin powers and Felicity Shagwell, Star Wars characters are all cool ideas. Some of the funky couples are Ketchup and Mustard, Salt and Pepper, Cheerleader and Football player, Bacon and eggs etc. Other ideas are doctor and nurse, nun and priest or angel and devil.