Top 6 Books About Working Together
If you want to run a business together, you must have good communication skills. Here are some books to help you make a success out of both your marriage relationship and your business.
1. "Honey, I Want To Start My Own Business"
The experiences of both the author and her husband as well as 125 entrepreneurial couples give others many strategies in how to own and run a business jointly.Buy from Amazon »2. "Couples at Work"
With a subtitle of "How Can You Stand to Work with Your Spouse," the authors tackle difficult subjects like management and personality styles, conflict, personal space, time off, and what happens when family members join you.Buy from Amazon »3. "Entrepreneurial Couples: Making It Work at Work & at Home"
Lots of information including how to support one another both as business partners and as husband and wife.Buy from Amazon »4. "How to Work with the One You Love and Live to Tell About It"
An honest appraisal of both the joys and the difficulties working together presents. The authors include a 5-point plan for success.Buy from Amazon »5. "Working from Home"
Subtitle: "Everything You Need to Know about Living & Working under the Same Roof". This is an updated version of this classic and helpful guide that includes worksheets, diagrams, money saving tips, resources and interviews.More »6. "Married in Business"
Subtitle: "What You Must Know and Achieve to Survive and Thrive in Partnership". This practical and experienced-based guide will help any couple who is considering going into business together.More »