Steps for an Immigration K-1 Visa
- 1). File form I-129F, Petition for an Alien Fiance, with the U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS) office that has jurisdiction over the U.S. citizens home residence. The I-129F must be filed by the U.S. citizen (petitioner) and will need to include certified letters of intent to marry from both parties, evidence of having met in person within the preceding two years, copies of required documentation as relevant to your individual case and form G-325A filled out by the petitioner. Obtain a copy of the entire package for your records. Once received you will be sent an I-797 Notice of Action (NOA1).
- 2). Check the status of your case online using the EAC number provided on the NOA1. This will keep you updated as to what point in the process your application is at. Once action is taken and a decision is made, you will be sent a second I-797 (NOA2). Make a copy of the NOA2.
- 3). Mail the copy of the I-129F package and a copy of the NOA2 to your fiance. Include a new notarized letter of your intent to marry, a completed I-134, Affidavit of Support, and all supporting documentation and proof of the continuing relationship. It is recommended to send these documents registered to ensure their safe arrival at their destination as the documents contain a substantial amount of personal information.
- 4). Wait for the package to be delivered to your fiance from the embassy that serves her jurisdiction. The package will contain forms to be filled out and instructions for which documents to obtain, medical requirements and any other specific instructions from the embassy.
- 5). Obtain all the documents requested and mail back the included form to the embassy. An interview will be scheduled and your fiance will be notified.
- 6). Present all requested documentation to the embassy in the manner requested. Some consulates require this documentation to be submitted to a service center seven to 10 days prior to the interview, others will allow it to be submitted the day of the interview. The information will be verified to ensure all documents are present as required. You will be given a receipt. Keep the receipt in the file you intend to take to the interview.
- 7). Attend the interview with your fiance. This is not required but will greatly improve your chances at being approved. The embassy is looking for bona-fide proof of a loving relationship and intent to marry, which will be much more visible if you are together. The consular officer may question both of you individually to compare your answers as well. Answer all questions asked by the officer honestly. Keep your answers short and to the point. Once the interview is completed, the consular officer will make a determination to approve or deny the visa.