About EMS Treatment for Asthma
- People with asthma, a condition in which the small tubes inside the lungs constrict and fill with mucus, usually live normal lives if they take their medication regularly. But sometimes asthma attacks occur without warning. That's when it's time to call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number to request EMS help.
- EMS treatment for asthma depends on what kind of EMS crews you have in your geographical area. If you are served by an EMT (emergency medical technicians), treatment is limited to oxygen and assistance with your own prescribed inhaler.
- If your area is served by paramedic ambulances, EMS treatment for asthma is much more flexible. Paramedics can administer emergency breathing treatments, give asthma drugs through an IV and put in a breathing tube if you stop breathing.
- Some of the drugs carried on an ambulance for asthma patients include oxygen, Albuterol, Xopenex, Epinephrine, Magnesium, Benadryl and Methylprednisolone. Not all paramedics carry all of these drugs. It depends on what part of the country you live in which drugs are present in the ambulance.
- An asthma attack can quickly kill its victim, as wheezing increases and the lungs constrict and fill with mucus. Call 911 or your local emergency number quickly so that EMS treatment can start as soon as possible.
Asthma and Emergencies
EMT Treatment for Asthma
Paramedic Treatment for Asthma
EMS Drug Treatments for Asthma
Call Quickly for EMS Treatment for Asthma