Can I Plant Morning Glories Near Raspberry Bushes?
- Morning glory vines are fast-growing annual vines that may grow 10 to 15 feet in one season. They produce large, round blooms in pink, white, blue or purple. Raspberries are slow-growing perennials that produce canes 3 to 4 feet high each season. If planted together, the morning glories may climb the raspberry canes and choke them.
- Although both raspberries and morning glories thrive in full sun, morning glories prefer slightly poor, dry to moderately moist soil while raspberries need rich, fertile soil with constant moisture. This disparity in growing needs is another reason not to plant the two together. Raspberries do not compete well with weeds or other plants and may dwindle and fail to thrive. Plant them in their own bed.
- Raspberry plants produce a thick tangle of leafy canes over the summer, followed by flowers and fruit. Morning glories are beautiful against a fence or scrambling up a mailbox post, but would likely get lost in a raspberry patch and would be difficult to see. Grow them separately to appreciate the lush beauty of morning glories.
- Morning glories have a hard seed shell. Nick them with a file or soak them in water before planting to speed germination. Plant them outdoors after the last expected frost. They grow aggressively and may self-seed, so give them their own space away from other plants. Morning glory seeds are toxic, so keep them out of the reach of children and pets.
Plant raspberries in late spring, selecting disease-free cultivars from a reputable nursery. Enrich the soil with compost or manure and till it to a depth of 12 inches. Raspberry plants live for 30 years or more so good soil preparation is essential to raspberry health. Raspberry plants may produce a small crop the first year and larger crops in the following years.
Growth Habits
Growing Conditions