Take Control of Your Dog and Stop Him Chewing!
Whenever your pet starts to give you trouble, like biting, chewing or barking, then it's time to take control of your dog and help him to understand what's right and what's wrong.
The bond between a man and his dog is so strong, but only if you take the time to properly teach him the way to act in the home and around other dogs.
Make Sure You Teach Your Dog Right If you want to take control of your dog to stop him chewing, then the first thing you need to know is that it works both ways.
If you want your dog to put the work in to learn what you're teaching him, you're also going to need to give back to him.
Keep him interested by taking him out, letting him outside, and always showing him love and positive praise throughout the training.
Be Consistent When you do start training, it's important that you're consistent.
This means that you're going to need to work with your dog every single day.
Don't overload him, though - you can't expect him to work with you for hours at a time! Give him plenty of breaks so that both of you stay focused and don't start getting tired with each other.
Stop Him From Chewing By Understanding Its Cause When your dog is chewing, it can happen for a number of reasons.
It might be because he's bored, in which case you need to give him something to do.
Take him out for walks, give him toys - just keep him more interested.
Sometimes it might be that he does it out of anxiety when you leave.
This is a little more difficult to treat and means slowly building up the amount of time you're out for over a period of weeks.
Another reason why dogs may chew is because they are teething.
This is natural, so you'll need to give them plenty of alternatives to use.
You should do this in any case of chewing - make sure you praise them when they chew their toys, and tell them NO when they chew things they're not supposed to.
Just always only tell them off during the act, or else they might not understand what they've done wrong.
These are just the beginning steps when it comes to taking control of your dog's chewing and teaching him the way to go.
It takes real patience, but it is possible for anyone to train their dog with a little effort.
The bond between a man and his dog is so strong, but only if you take the time to properly teach him the way to act in the home and around other dogs.
Make Sure You Teach Your Dog Right If you want to take control of your dog to stop him chewing, then the first thing you need to know is that it works both ways.
If you want your dog to put the work in to learn what you're teaching him, you're also going to need to give back to him.
Keep him interested by taking him out, letting him outside, and always showing him love and positive praise throughout the training.
Be Consistent When you do start training, it's important that you're consistent.
This means that you're going to need to work with your dog every single day.
Don't overload him, though - you can't expect him to work with you for hours at a time! Give him plenty of breaks so that both of you stay focused and don't start getting tired with each other.
Stop Him From Chewing By Understanding Its Cause When your dog is chewing, it can happen for a number of reasons.
It might be because he's bored, in which case you need to give him something to do.
Take him out for walks, give him toys - just keep him more interested.
Sometimes it might be that he does it out of anxiety when you leave.
This is a little more difficult to treat and means slowly building up the amount of time you're out for over a period of weeks.
Another reason why dogs may chew is because they are teething.
This is natural, so you'll need to give them plenty of alternatives to use.
You should do this in any case of chewing - make sure you praise them when they chew their toys, and tell them NO when they chew things they're not supposed to.
Just always only tell them off during the act, or else they might not understand what they've done wrong.
These are just the beginning steps when it comes to taking control of your dog's chewing and teaching him the way to go.
It takes real patience, but it is possible for anyone to train their dog with a little effort.