How to Download Raw Files From a Canon 40D to Adobe CS3
- 1). Update your plug-ins for CS3. Make sure that you have updated your camera raw plug-in to the latest version ( If you have had trouble downloading raw files before, then this may be the only thing you need to do in order to fix the problem. The 40D camera was manufactured prior to the development and release of CS3.
- 2). Connect the camera to the computer by inserting the USB chord into the ports on the camera and computer respectively. If the computer does not register that a device has been connected, then try unplugging the USB chord and then reinserting the USB chord again.
- 3). Process raw images by selecting a raw image using Adobe Bridge. Choose "File" on the menu bar followed by "Open In Camera Raw." You can also use "Control + R" as a keyboard shortcut. Click "Done" to accept the changes and adjustments in the camera raw dialogue box. Click "Open" to process the raw adjusted image copy in Photoshop.
- 4). Import the camera raw images into Photoshop by selecting the raw files in Adobe Bridge. Select "File" from the menu bar at the top of the screen, Open With, Photoshop CS3. Double-click on the images that you want to import and click "Open" while pressing "Shift" to open the image as a Smart Object. Then you can double-click the Smart Object layer containing the raw file in order to adjust camera raw settings.
- 5). Convert the raw file to a DNG, which is a different type of raw format. Use this step only if you still cannot download the raw files into CS3. You may need to download the DNG Converter from Adobe ( The converter is a free utility that converts files to DNG raw files. DNG is superior to traditional raw files because it presents an open standard for proprietary and unique raw files to be created and allows photographers to catalog raw files in a single format.