Bible Lesson for the Parable of the Lost Sheep
- In Matthew 18, Jesus is talking to his disciples about how God looks at children; he discusses how believers must come to God with a childlike attitude. He equates the value of a child to the value of any lost sinner. Jesus describes the shepherd's sincere concern for the sheep. The straying sheep, the small child and the sinner have few defenses against the wiles of the enemy. The shepherd seeks out the one lost sheep, leaving the 99 others alone on the mountain. Like the shepherd in the story, Jesus sought out the lost and the straying because they belonged to him. He had compassion on Zacchaeus, the woman caught in adultery, the Samaritan woman at the well and many others.
- In Luke, Jesus uses the story to rebuke the scribes and Pharisees who criticized him for hanging out with sinners. Jesus equates the lost sheep to the straying believers. As in Matthew, the sheep belongs to him; when he finds it, he rejoices. Jesus spends time with sinners because they need a savior to find them and bring them home. The modern Christian recognizes the need to find sinners where they hang out and provide a witness to the lost. When the sinner repents and comes back to the flock, heaven rejoices.
- Charles Spurgeon, a 19th century minister, points out how foolish and helpless a sheep is without a shepherd. The sheep cannot defend itself, find its own food, locate shelter or find its way home. In Psalm 23, the shepherd leads his sheep to green pastures where the sheep are safe, secure and have all their needs met. Like the foolish sheep, mankind will follow a distraction; they're likely to stray into areas where predators and temptations lie. The shepherd, Jesus, seeks out the lost sheep because he understands that the sheep cannot independently find his way home. He needs a loving, careful shepherd to pick him up and carry him home.
- In John 21, Jesus tells Peter to feed his lambs and sheep. The pastor serves as a shepherd over his flock. Like Jesus, the shepherd goes after the lost and straying. Part of the rebuke to the religious leaders of Jesus day comes because they did not seek out and rescue the lost. As a Christian pastor, the modern shepherd teaches cares for the sheep and leads them in safe places with teachings based in truth. The sheep sleep safe in the care of a loving shepherd.
Matthew's Version
Luke's Version
Foolish Sheep
Good Shepherds