Above Ground Pool Closing Instructions
- 1). Gather your pool closing supplies—cover, cables and winches, skimmer plate and winterizing chemicals—so you have everything close by. Get a friend to help cover the pool as the cover can be heavy and hard to handle by yourself. Clear an area in the garage or a shed to store pool equipment after you’ve drained and dried everything.
- 2). Install a winter plate on the skimmer. Plug the pool return by spinning it counterclockwise, and take out all hoses. Use a screwdriver to remove the drain plugs from the pump and filter to drain them of excess water. After a few minutes, turn them upside down to make sure they don’t leak, and then cover and store them away.
- 3). Place an inflated air pillow in the middle of your above ground pool to protect the pool walls from ice expansion. Drain the pool of water at least up to where the water jets are. Use heavy string or rope to tie the air pillow to the walls to keep it from shifting when you cover it.
- 4). Throw a bucket of winterizing chemicals that have been completely dissolved into your above ground pool. Test and adjust chemical levels before covering your pool. The pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6, and alkalinity should be between 100 and 150 ppm. Add a shock product to boost the chlorine level to at least 3.0.
- 5). Drape your above ground pool with a large pool cover with the black side facing the water. Walk around the pool and tuck the cover completely around all sides. Secure the cable to every eyelet using a winch and tighten the ends in a clockwise direction. Check that the air pillow is still in the center of the pool. If not, take the cover off, reset the pillow and recover.