Setting Up an Overages Business - Credibility is Key
If you've decided to get into the "found money" business, you're in the right place at the right time.
Overages - tax sale overages, and mortgage foreclosure overages - are being created at a dizzying rate, and there's never been a better time to get involved.
When setting up an overages business, your credibility will make you or break you.
Here are a few bases to have covered before setting up an overages business.
Google yourself.
Is there anything about you on the internet that you wouldn't want a potential claimant to see? Have you gone a little crazy with a Facebook or Myspace page? Do you have a public Twitter account that you post things on that you'd be embarrassed for a stranger you're trying to do business with to see? Take care of this now - it can take a few weeks for the search engine results to show your changes.
Do you have a real email address and website? Setting up a professional website is easy, and very inexpensive.
Generally, when you register a domain name, you will be able to set up a professional e-mail address along with it (you@yourprofessionaldomain.
com, for example).
You don't want to blow any big deals by not being visible enough on the net - people who are letting you handle their money want to know you're not "fly by night.
" 3.
Do you have professional stationery and business cards? This is another extremely inexpensive measure to take.
Real businesses have real letterheads and business cards - get them.
Do you have a toll-free number? This is such an easy step to take to bump up your business' image.
800 numbers are available on a no-contract basis from a number of companies online for $20 or less per month, and you can have one set up by tonight if you want to.
Blowing a deal because of lacking proper credibility is a horrible feeling.
Don't neglect these simple steps when setting up an overages business - they will come into play when you're least expecting it.
Overages - tax sale overages, and mortgage foreclosure overages - are being created at a dizzying rate, and there's never been a better time to get involved.
When setting up an overages business, your credibility will make you or break you.
Here are a few bases to have covered before setting up an overages business.
Google yourself.
Is there anything about you on the internet that you wouldn't want a potential claimant to see? Have you gone a little crazy with a Facebook or Myspace page? Do you have a public Twitter account that you post things on that you'd be embarrassed for a stranger you're trying to do business with to see? Take care of this now - it can take a few weeks for the search engine results to show your changes.
Do you have a real email address and website? Setting up a professional website is easy, and very inexpensive.
Generally, when you register a domain name, you will be able to set up a professional e-mail address along with it (you@yourprofessionaldomain.
com, for example).
You don't want to blow any big deals by not being visible enough on the net - people who are letting you handle their money want to know you're not "fly by night.
" 3.
Do you have professional stationery and business cards? This is another extremely inexpensive measure to take.
Real businesses have real letterheads and business cards - get them.
Do you have a toll-free number? This is such an easy step to take to bump up your business' image.
800 numbers are available on a no-contract basis from a number of companies online for $20 or less per month, and you can have one set up by tonight if you want to.
Blowing a deal because of lacking proper credibility is a horrible feeling.
Don't neglect these simple steps when setting up an overages business - they will come into play when you're least expecting it.