Is This an Alternative to Botox Injections?
There is an ingredient available that offers users a real alternative to Botox injections.
The ingredient is called Syn-ake.
It is a man-made synthetic copy of the deadly venom that is produced by the Asian temple viper, Just as the snakes venom paralyses its victims muscles to make it easier to digest, this synthetic version has a similar effect when used on the facial skin to effectively reproduce the freeze effect and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Cheaper than other similar products and without doubt safer than the traditional injection therapies.
Clinical trials have demonstrated a dramatic if not immediate reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, these tests also have shown that if applied for 28 days, a total reduction of up to 50% of all aging lines and wrinkles can be achieved.
Simple and safe to use Syn-ake has been proven to increase the plumpness of the skin, at the same time revitalising and smoothing the skin.
Syn-ake is without doubt one of the cosmetic worlds best kept secrets, Its formulation and preparation makes it one of the most effective, natural and safe products used for anti-aging skin care that has ever been seen.
Its active component is a man made version of a tripeptide that reproduces the effects of waglerin, which is a component of natural snake venom from the Temple Viper.
This provides the same effect as Botox therapy, but without all the high expense and possible discomfort and side effects of painful injections.
Syn-ake is present in just a few skin care products at the moment, but as the word spreads and the demands increase it is certain that it will become more widely available.
The ingredient is called Syn-ake.
It is a man-made synthetic copy of the deadly venom that is produced by the Asian temple viper, Just as the snakes venom paralyses its victims muscles to make it easier to digest, this synthetic version has a similar effect when used on the facial skin to effectively reproduce the freeze effect and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Cheaper than other similar products and without doubt safer than the traditional injection therapies.
Clinical trials have demonstrated a dramatic if not immediate reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, these tests also have shown that if applied for 28 days, a total reduction of up to 50% of all aging lines and wrinkles can be achieved.
Simple and safe to use Syn-ake has been proven to increase the plumpness of the skin, at the same time revitalising and smoothing the skin.
Syn-ake is without doubt one of the cosmetic worlds best kept secrets, Its formulation and preparation makes it one of the most effective, natural and safe products used for anti-aging skin care that has ever been seen.
Its active component is a man made version of a tripeptide that reproduces the effects of waglerin, which is a component of natural snake venom from the Temple Viper.
This provides the same effect as Botox therapy, but without all the high expense and possible discomfort and side effects of painful injections.
Syn-ake is present in just a few skin care products at the moment, but as the word spreads and the demands increase it is certain that it will become more widely available.