Magnesium Oxide for Joint Pain
- Magnesium is a mineral that works within your body in a number of ways. It supports your metabolism and nervous system. It helps your muscles to function properly. Your body needs it to properly make and use insulin. Research published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology also shows that getting enough magnesium can help to relieve chronic pain in the lower back and other joints.
- In a study conducted at the University of Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland, patients receiving a daily magnesium oxide supplement over the course of two months reported improvement in their chronic pain levels.
Magnesium works with calcium and vitamin D to help the body to form healthy bones, which is important for good joint health. It also helps you to maintain healthy cartilage---also important for good joint health and reducing joint pain. Animal studies show that a magnesium deficiency can lead to painful lesions on the cartilage. Getting enough magnesium can help ensure that your cartilage stays supple, healthy and pain free. - The best sources of magnesium are natural ones. Your body will absorb magnesium better from food sources than from supplements. Whole grains, nuts, spinach and potatoes are all good sources of naturally-occurring magnesium.
- Most people do not get adequate magnesium from dietary sources, and so supplementing with magnesium oxide can play and important role in your joint health. Men 30 years old or younger need 400 mg a day. Men older than 30 need a little more---420 mg a day. Women 30 and younger need 310 mg a day, and women older than 30 need 320 mg daily. This includes magnesium from both food sources and supplements. Because the body will not absorb all the magnesium from a supplement, you can safely take up to the recommended daily allowance in supplement form.
- To get the best results from your magnesium supplement, make sure you take it combined with calcium and vitamin D. These three nutrients work together to promote bone and joint health.
Take your supplement with meals to promote better absorption.
It is possible to get too much magnesium. An overdose of magnesium leads to diarrhea. If you experience diarrhea or nausea after beginning to supplement with magnesium, reduce the dosage you are taking each day.
Magnesium for Pain
Natural Sources
Supplement Dosage