Suggestion Box Craft Ideas
- Making a suggestion box is an excellent way to gather feedback from your customers and clients. A suggestion box doesn't have to be a complicated task. The box should stand out and sit in an obvious location where people can see it and participate. Part of getting customers to see the box is by making it unique and creative. Choosing a simple approach to making a suggestion box coupled with a little flare is one of the best ways to make the box look professional and eye-catching.
- You can either purchase a wood box from a craft store you make your own out of plywood. Paint it or stain it a color that will match the decor of your location. You can outline the perimeter of the box with a different color and paint the words, "Suggestion Box" on the front of the box. Another idea is to print the words out using a word processor on a computer. Remember to create a slot in the top of the box for people to leave their suggestions and paper and a pen. You will also need a way to gain access to the dropped suggestions.
- Use a shoe box to crate a crafty suggestion box. You can either use wrapping paper or craft paper to wrap the box. Wrap the bottom and the top separately so that you can take off the top to gather the suggestions. This type of suggestion box will make it easy for anyone to access the contents, so use this type of suggestion box in an easy-to-see place so that you can monitor its safety. Create a slot in the top of the box using a pair of scissors or a box cutter.
- An old mailbox makes for a great suggestion box. Older mailboxes come with a slot in the top and have a key lock on the front to prevent people from accessing the contents. Decorate the mailbox to match your decor. You can spray paint it a solid color, or you can hand paint it for a unique and specific look.
Shoe Box
Old Mailbox