Marry a Filipina - Is it Really For You?
You have decided to seek a Filipino Bride.
Have you really done enough research? Chances are, probably not.
Educate your self and you will be on the right track to haveing a beautiful, loving and loyal Filipina wife.
My Filipina wife and I have been married for 3 years in September.
It was the best decesion of my life but it may not be for everyone.
Check this out and see.
There are many things a man should consider when seeking a Filipino Bride.
Of course the awesome endearing qualities of the Filipina are very attractive to most men on the planet.
They are beautiful, loyal, family dedicated, respectful and are raised with a special sense of honor that is know as delicadesa.
Which is a Spanish term.
Directly translated to English means daintiness.
Before you start or expand your education there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.
Can you afford this adventure? In the USA you will need to provide proof of meeting your bride to be at least one time.
Meaning you will have to visit her at least once in the Philippines.
Or what ever country she resides.
My wife was working in Japan when we met and when I went to see her we had a great time.
I recommend you visit her twice and do NOT get married on the first visit.
There is more on the reason why on our website.
The average cost of taking a trip to the Philippines from the US is $3000 total.
Which includes your flight and hotel and a few extras.
If you reside closer to the Philippines then good for you.
Are you aware of the enormous amounts of scammers on most Filipino dating sites? There are many professional daters that are very good at conning men out of their hard earned money.
I should know I lost more than a few $ on one.
Since starting our site I have found her pictures on at least 5 different sites.
What exactly do you know about the Philippine culture? At the very least read up on some of the dos and don'ts of the culture here.
Most Filipinos will tolerate the typical westerner but you will be more well liked and respected if you learn some of the practices of the culture here.
It would also be wise to learn the Philippine history also.
You will have a better understanding of the culture if you do.
Here are some great sites to get you started.
Philippine Culture and Philippine History.
Have you really done enough research? Chances are, probably not.
Educate your self and you will be on the right track to haveing a beautiful, loving and loyal Filipina wife.
My Filipina wife and I have been married for 3 years in September.
It was the best decesion of my life but it may not be for everyone.
Check this out and see.
There are many things a man should consider when seeking a Filipino Bride.
Of course the awesome endearing qualities of the Filipina are very attractive to most men on the planet.
They are beautiful, loyal, family dedicated, respectful and are raised with a special sense of honor that is know as delicadesa.
Which is a Spanish term.
Directly translated to English means daintiness.
Before you start or expand your education there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.
Can you afford this adventure? In the USA you will need to provide proof of meeting your bride to be at least one time.
Meaning you will have to visit her at least once in the Philippines.
Or what ever country she resides.
My wife was working in Japan when we met and when I went to see her we had a great time.
I recommend you visit her twice and do NOT get married on the first visit.
There is more on the reason why on our website.
The average cost of taking a trip to the Philippines from the US is $3000 total.
Which includes your flight and hotel and a few extras.
If you reside closer to the Philippines then good for you.
Are you aware of the enormous amounts of scammers on most Filipino dating sites? There are many professional daters that are very good at conning men out of their hard earned money.
I should know I lost more than a few $ on one.
Since starting our site I have found her pictures on at least 5 different sites.
What exactly do you know about the Philippine culture? At the very least read up on some of the dos and don'ts of the culture here.
Most Filipinos will tolerate the typical westerner but you will be more well liked and respected if you learn some of the practices of the culture here.
It would also be wise to learn the Philippine history also.
You will have a better understanding of the culture if you do.
Here are some great sites to get you started.
Philippine Culture and Philippine History.