The Various Tips To Prevent Loss Of Hair
It is a dream for all to have a healthy, beautiful and shiny looks in the hair which would be adding on to the glory. Unfortunately in the present days the nagging problem which is caused due by the hair fall is become more. It is a common issue of having loss of hair which affects millions of people in and around the world. Even though you will not have any pain, this will offer you an experience that is distressing to lose the hair on a regular basis it is usually at all the time when you comb it. This is associated with the beauty for all the women. None will like to have a bald head or the look of old age when they are young. The fall of hair even occur at the time when you are shampooing or oiling. When you lose 100 strands it is a normal one but if it goes beyond that it is considered to be a severe problem.
The various things which causes fall of hair:
• The lack of nutrients which is essential in the body
• Use of excessive chemicals through various means such as colouring of hair and the various treatment of hair styling
• The diet which is not much healthy and is improper
• The imbalance in the hormones
• Few medications
• The various disorders in the scalp which is inclusive of alopecia, dandruff
• The hair fall can also be caused due to tension and stress.
The various tips which can be followed to control the fall of hair:
Stress reduction
If you have stress due to any reason then you can consider doing yoga, meditation, the exercise by deep breathing as this will control the fall of hair. Also you have to be clear to have sleep which is adequate at nights each day.
If the hair fall is due to medications how it can be avoided
To avoid the hair loss that is severe you have to take care of the medical issue which is underlying as if this persist it will lead to baldness. A common issue which has an effect on most of the women is thyroid and this may lead to a situation which has hair fall that is rapid.
Use Comb which is wide toothed:
To detangle hair gently you have to use a comb which is widely toothed and after this a regular comb can be used to style the mane as per the need of each and every person. The risk of the breakage will be reduced and the hair fall at the time of combing the hair will also be reduced.
Do not comb the hair when it is wet:
The best thing which you can do is not to comb your mane at the time when it is wet as this would result in the greater chance for the breakage and the fall of hair. Before combing take care that it is either semi dry or fully dry and the hair should not be wiped hard with the towel to make it dry.
The various things which causes fall of hair:
• The lack of nutrients which is essential in the body
• Use of excessive chemicals through various means such as colouring of hair and the various treatment of hair styling
• The diet which is not much healthy and is improper
• The imbalance in the hormones
• Few medications
• The various disorders in the scalp which is inclusive of alopecia, dandruff
• The hair fall can also be caused due to tension and stress.
The various tips which can be followed to control the fall of hair:
Stress reduction
If you have stress due to any reason then you can consider doing yoga, meditation, the exercise by deep breathing as this will control the fall of hair. Also you have to be clear to have sleep which is adequate at nights each day.
If the hair fall is due to medications how it can be avoided
To avoid the hair loss that is severe you have to take care of the medical issue which is underlying as if this persist it will lead to baldness. A common issue which has an effect on most of the women is thyroid and this may lead to a situation which has hair fall that is rapid.
Use Comb which is wide toothed:
To detangle hair gently you have to use a comb which is widely toothed and after this a regular comb can be used to style the mane as per the need of each and every person. The risk of the breakage will be reduced and the hair fall at the time of combing the hair will also be reduced.
Do not comb the hair when it is wet:
The best thing which you can do is not to comb your mane at the time when it is wet as this would result in the greater chance for the breakage and the fall of hair. Before combing take care that it is either semi dry or fully dry and the hair should not be wiped hard with the towel to make it dry.