See how much travel hassles are costing the industry and the U.S. economy
I'm of an age when I remember when travel was civilized. Airports weren't too crowded, security was pretty easy, you could check bags at no cost and you could actually get a free meal (not that it was gourmet). But it was also a time when only a fraction of Americans could afford to buy a ticket.
So here we are today, where flying is almost like taking the bus. And it appears that the hassle factor for travelers has shot through the roof.
And a survey done by the U.S. Travel Association seems to confirm this. The top finding of the survey, conducted by independent firm ResearchNow, was travelers' concerns over flight delays and cancellation. Other issue included security lines and checked-bag fees.
When asked the question, "Which of the following are you most concerned about before taking a trip by air?" top responses from travelers were:
- Delays/cancellations (39 percent)
- Fees imposed by airlines for checked bags, seat assignments etc. (26 percent)
- Safety (11 percent)
- Security screening (8 percent)
- No concerns (6 percent)
Among the other findings were: nine out of 10 travelers said that in the past year, air travel has become either more of a hassle or stayed about the same; 60 percent of air travelers say they would take an average of 2.6 more trips per year if air travel were made more efficient; 91 percent of travelers say the overall cost of flying is a "very important" or "somewhat important" factor in deciding whether or not to purchase an airline ticket; 92 percent support—and 68 percent "strongly support"—a proposed U.S.
Department of Transportation rule that would require airline ticket sellers to display pricing with add-on fees included; 81 percent feel that the overall cost of air travel has either "somewhat" or "significantly" increased in the past year; and 16 percent feel it is about the same, and only one percent think flying is cheaper.
When the survey asked which factor is most responsible for higher travel costs, 31 percent said airlines reducing the number of flights; 25 percent said airline-imposed add-on fees; 23 percent named jet fuel prices; and 91 percent list as either "very important" or "somewhat important" airport projects that enhance safety, security and capacity, reduce noise and increase carrier competition.
In a surprise finding, 52 percent of passengers said they would be willing to pay slightly more to fly if the extra cost funded projects that reduce delays and cancellations and improved the overall passenger experience at airports.
All these travel hassles have taken a toll on the U.S. economy, according to the survey. Passengers' frustration with the flying experience resulted in 38 million avoided domestic plane trips in 2013. Although air travel has steadily increased since the recession, 38 million trips is a loss equal to eight percent of current air travel demand.
And when travelers stay home, it has a trickle-down effect on other travel-related businesses and the overall economy, including spending losses of:
- $9.5 billion on airfare;
- $5.8 billion on hotels;
- $5.7 billion on recreation;
- $3.4 billion on food services; and
- $2.8 billion on car rentals.
And numbers in the survey found that cancellations and delays cost passengers $8.5 billion in time lost, missed connections, and missed travel activity.
"Whether it be for business or leisure, travel activity is indisputably terrific medicine for the U.S. economy," said U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow. "One of our major aims is to help our leaders better prioritize travel-related policies that will get this country moving. This survey shows that modernizing our air travel infrastructure should be a top national priority."