How to Clean a Perch
- 1). Hold the perch by it's head and run a large spoon or fish scaler down it's skin in a downward motion to remove the scales. Repeat this process on the other side.
- 2). Insert the tip of a sharp knife into the fish's stomach (near the anus) and run the blade up to the fish's head. Don't stick the knife in too far as this may rupture the intestines.
- 3). Open the fish and remove all the entrails with your hands.
- 4). Make a "V" shape cut to remove the anus. Discard any remains in the bucket.
- 5). Rinse the inside and outside of the perch with clean water.
- 6). Lay the fish on a flat surface. Make sure it is closed at this point. Hold your knife at an angle and slice the fish behind the gills. Continue slicing until you reach the backbone. Be careful not to sever the backbone.
- 7). Run the knife under the perch's skin all the way up to the tail. Be careful not the puncture the skin.
- 8). Fold the top half of the fish in half so the tail is underneath the head. The skin should be on the inside of the fold.
- 9). Put one hand on the tail, and with the other hand, start separating the meat from the skin using your knife. Be sure to cut the ribs out and discard them.
- 10
Wipe off the knife and throw away or bury any remains you are not going to eat.