How to Build a Sheet Rock Lift
- 1). Place a ladder underneath the ceiling that is to be Sheetrocked. Climb the ladder and measure from the bottom of the ceiling joists to the floor.
- 2). Cut a 2-by-4 to the same length as the floor to ceiling measurement, using a circular saw.
- 3). Place a 2-by-4 across the saw horses and cut a piece 3 feet long.
- 4). Lay the long 2-by-4 on the floor. Place the 4-inch flat area of the 3-foot 2-by-4 against the top of the long 2-by-4 to create a T. Screw the two pieces of wood together using a screw gun and three screws.
- 5). Build another Sheetrock lift in the same manner by repeating the steps outlined above. With a helper, position one of the Sheetrock lifts underneath one end of the Sheetrock and the other lift under the other end. Raise the sheet rock to the ceiling by lifting both lifts at the same time.