Evaluating Social Networking Tools for Events Promotion
A growing debate arose amongst event organizers regarding the usage of social networking tools for event promotions.
One school of thought believes in the view that spending time and energy on social networking sites is nothing but wastage of vital man hours.
They rely more on traditional age-old methods of advertising which primarily consist of newspapers adverts and telecasting commercials on television and using radio jingles to campaign for the event.
However, new age business bees have argued social media has brought about a revolution in the way event promotion used to take place previously.
The online strategy is quite fruitful too in diverting web traffic to the event website successfully.
Facebook Facebook is the most popular social networking website today and will soon have 1 billion registered global users.
Facebook allows you the platform to promote your events and company products to millions of people worldwide.
It is very easy to use and you can open an account absolutely free! The site lets you search for people related to your industry and potential attendees and customers.
You can join groups to network with like-minded professionals and share ideas and suggestions when planning smart marketing strategies for your business.
You can 'Like' an event page that looks interesting and informative.
Twitter This micro-blogging site is a powerful tool to share information and updates of any kind.
You can tweet about your upcoming events as well as provide useful online webpage links for the users to click on those to visit the page.
Twitter allows anyone to write a message of maximum 140 characters; hence you need to be extra careful to tweet the most important things first.
Don't fill up your profile page with unnecessary scraps; rather share your online event registration links or your business website links with fellow Twitter followers.
This site helps you get feedback from people in real-time by voting in favor of or against your tweet.
LinkedIn It is a professional social networking website where you can meet and network with industry experts and specific company executives.
LinkedIn increases your event website visibility plus credibility.
It lets you establish contacts with like-minded people and in the course of time create new business opportunities and increased event registrations.
Google+ Google+ allows individuals to create "Circles" to allocate contacts into different groups.
The chatting feature lets you start a dialogue with anyone -friend or potential prospect, and "Hangouts" facilitate group video chats with a maximum of 10 people joining in a single Hangout session.
With Google+, you can initiate discussions with likeminded individuals and in the process begin an interesting conversation with them explaining the reasons for attending your upcoming conference or webinar.
One school of thought believes in the view that spending time and energy on social networking sites is nothing but wastage of vital man hours.
They rely more on traditional age-old methods of advertising which primarily consist of newspapers adverts and telecasting commercials on television and using radio jingles to campaign for the event.
However, new age business bees have argued social media has brought about a revolution in the way event promotion used to take place previously.
The online strategy is quite fruitful too in diverting web traffic to the event website successfully.
Facebook Facebook is the most popular social networking website today and will soon have 1 billion registered global users.
Facebook allows you the platform to promote your events and company products to millions of people worldwide.
It is very easy to use and you can open an account absolutely free! The site lets you search for people related to your industry and potential attendees and customers.
You can join groups to network with like-minded professionals and share ideas and suggestions when planning smart marketing strategies for your business.
You can 'Like' an event page that looks interesting and informative.
Twitter This micro-blogging site is a powerful tool to share information and updates of any kind.
You can tweet about your upcoming events as well as provide useful online webpage links for the users to click on those to visit the page.
Twitter allows anyone to write a message of maximum 140 characters; hence you need to be extra careful to tweet the most important things first.
Don't fill up your profile page with unnecessary scraps; rather share your online event registration links or your business website links with fellow Twitter followers.
This site helps you get feedback from people in real-time by voting in favor of or against your tweet.
LinkedIn It is a professional social networking website where you can meet and network with industry experts and specific company executives.
LinkedIn increases your event website visibility plus credibility.
It lets you establish contacts with like-minded people and in the course of time create new business opportunities and increased event registrations.
Google+ Google+ allows individuals to create "Circles" to allocate contacts into different groups.
The chatting feature lets you start a dialogue with anyone -friend or potential prospect, and "Hangouts" facilitate group video chats with a maximum of 10 people joining in a single Hangout session.
With Google+, you can initiate discussions with likeminded individuals and in the process begin an interesting conversation with them explaining the reasons for attending your upcoming conference or webinar.