How to Open Router Ports
- 1). Navigate to "My Network Places" on your computer. Right-click on the LAN with which you connect to the Internet.
- 2). Select "Properties" from the drop-down list.
- 3). Click the "Advanced" button, and highlight your connection. Then, click on "Settings." A window will open showing the ports that you currently have set up.
- 4). Click on the "Add" button to make a new port. Put the desired IP in the Name or IP Address box. Put the port number in the fields below it. Also, you probably will want to select "TCP," as it is the newest technology with the most services and compatibility.
- 1). Access your router by opening your web browser and typing Type your router administrative user name and password when the login box opens. Once you type this, the routers settings should open on the screen.
- 2). Navigate to the applications tab of the settings window and select port forwarding. This should open a screen full of port range boxes. Fill these with the same settings you used on your LAN connection and click "Save Settings."
- 3). Restart your system to implement the changes you have made.
Adding New Ports
Creating Ports in Your Router