My Dog is Lonely - What Can I Do to Keep My Dog From Being Lonely?
Dogs are very social creatures.
They are pack animals and we are part of their pack.
When we are not there for them, they are lonely.
We have trained them, played with them and made them part of our family.
We are the center of their world and even having another dog will not make up for us not having the time for them.
It seems that everyone's life is on a fast track these days.
We work, we shop, we clean, we cook and we care for our children.
Oh, and do not forget the laundry.
How to find enough time and energy to pay attention to your dog has become a chore and it should not be.
Every little task has become a burden.
It is time to ground yourself and what better way than to spend more time with your dog.
A simple walk can do a lot to help reduce stress.
Your dog loves your walks and what better way to spend quality one-on-one time with him.
Your dog can sense the stress that you are experiencing and actually become depressed and lonely.
They are not so unlike children who know something is "out of whack" with you.
There are some things you can do to give your dog the attention he deserves and make him feel a part of family activities...
Take your dog with you when you run short errands like taking the kids to school or other activities, going to the cleaners, picking up the mail at the post office.
Well, you get the picture.
Are you going to visit a friend? Most people, who know you and your dog, will gladly let you bring your (well-behaved?) dog with you.
My friends always bring their dogs when they visit my home and my dog loves it.
He is very social with all dogs.
He pouts when it is time for them to go home.
Allow your dog in your bedroom.
This does not mean you have to let him on the bed.
Put his bed somewhere in your room.
He will be happy and content just being near you.
Dogs, being pack animals, need to feel secure when they sleep.
You are their pack.
When doing household things, allow your dog to be there with you.
If you are cooking, let him lay near you.
My dog always plops down right in the middle of the kitchen when there is any activity going on in there.
I used to think he was sulking because he was not getting any attention, but I have come to realize that he just wants to be near me, and a part of what I am doing.
Relaxing times are important.
Sometimes I will sit on the floor with my laptop and my dog, Petey, will come and lay down next to me.
I make a point to stop and pet him or rub his ears from time to time.
It is soothing for him and very therapeutic for me.
If I am watching TV, I will brush him.
He loves that! Change out the routine.
You would be amazed what a walk in a new place can do.
A different path or doggie park will let your dog enjoy all of the new scents.
It does not get any better than a new tree, bush or flower to smell.
If there are others in your household, let them share in the responsibilities like walking, playtime, feeding, and grooming.
Your dog needs socialization and what better way than to have all family members share in the experience.
Your dog relies on you for love and attention.
If you really think about it, it really doesn't take much effort.
Your dog does get lonely, but with the love and attention you give him, in different ways, he will know you are part of his pack.
They are pack animals and we are part of their pack.
When we are not there for them, they are lonely.
We have trained them, played with them and made them part of our family.
We are the center of their world and even having another dog will not make up for us not having the time for them.
It seems that everyone's life is on a fast track these days.
We work, we shop, we clean, we cook and we care for our children.
Oh, and do not forget the laundry.
How to find enough time and energy to pay attention to your dog has become a chore and it should not be.
Every little task has become a burden.
It is time to ground yourself and what better way than to spend more time with your dog.
A simple walk can do a lot to help reduce stress.
Your dog loves your walks and what better way to spend quality one-on-one time with him.
Your dog can sense the stress that you are experiencing and actually become depressed and lonely.
They are not so unlike children who know something is "out of whack" with you.
There are some things you can do to give your dog the attention he deserves and make him feel a part of family activities...
Take your dog with you when you run short errands like taking the kids to school or other activities, going to the cleaners, picking up the mail at the post office.
Well, you get the picture.
Are you going to visit a friend? Most people, who know you and your dog, will gladly let you bring your (well-behaved?) dog with you.
My friends always bring their dogs when they visit my home and my dog loves it.
He is very social with all dogs.
He pouts when it is time for them to go home.
Allow your dog in your bedroom.
This does not mean you have to let him on the bed.
Put his bed somewhere in your room.
He will be happy and content just being near you.
Dogs, being pack animals, need to feel secure when they sleep.
You are their pack.
When doing household things, allow your dog to be there with you.
If you are cooking, let him lay near you.
My dog always plops down right in the middle of the kitchen when there is any activity going on in there.
I used to think he was sulking because he was not getting any attention, but I have come to realize that he just wants to be near me, and a part of what I am doing.
Relaxing times are important.
Sometimes I will sit on the floor with my laptop and my dog, Petey, will come and lay down next to me.
I make a point to stop and pet him or rub his ears from time to time.
It is soothing for him and very therapeutic for me.
If I am watching TV, I will brush him.
He loves that! Change out the routine.
You would be amazed what a walk in a new place can do.
A different path or doggie park will let your dog enjoy all of the new scents.
It does not get any better than a new tree, bush or flower to smell.
If there are others in your household, let them share in the responsibilities like walking, playtime, feeding, and grooming.
Your dog needs socialization and what better way than to have all family members share in the experience.
Your dog relies on you for love and attention.
If you really think about it, it really doesn't take much effort.
Your dog does get lonely, but with the love and attention you give him, in different ways, he will know you are part of his pack.