Will YOU Survive the Final Bubble and the Coming Economic Collapse?
Are we in the U.
facing another giant and devastating financial and economic bubble? Will this bubble be the final bubble, and the end of capitalism? Will YOU survive it? Economically, the world is in bad shape.
And getting worse.
In many countries the economy is weak, or collapsing, or narrowly avoiding collapse, creating financial, political and social uncertainty and fear around the world.
The U.
is not immune.
The U.
economy is in sad shape and may well be in danger of collapsing in the not too distant future.
So are the economies of many U.
states and cities.
Are U.
local, state and federal governments in financial jeopardy and in danger of financial collapse? Yes.
If that happens your money and savings and investments could become nearly worthless overnight, real estate values may plummet 50%-90%, the dollar (and your purchasing power) may decrease by 50% or more, your standard of living may dramatically and quickly drop, unemployment could rise to over 50%, most businesses would likely fail and the American economic system, capitalism, is likely to totally collapse.
A total economic collapse.
It's called the final bubble.
We are experiencing an economic bubble that is rapidly growing and is about to burst.
The final bubble.
So, how, exactly, do you avoid this devastating financial disaster, this economic catastrophe, this total financial meltdown, this final bubble? What if you can't? As to when this total economic collapse is forecast to happen it's sooner than you think.
Economists predict a total collapse of the U.
economy within the next few years.
Or sooner.
If everything collapses, as it almost did in the U.
financial bubble which burst in 2008-2009, how can YOU survive it? In the aftermath of an economic meltdown it will be a new world, a new and nasty world, with order being replaced by chaos, with societal structure and government replaced by...
You and your neighbors and your community will be on your own.
You, and your family, will be on your own.
Your survival will be in your own hands.
In the event of a total financial meltdown your survival, and the survival of your family, will be dependent on YOU, with little or no help from the local, state or federal authorities.
Will you, and your family, survive? How? The old will be new again.
In a total economic collapse there will be no societal structure, no jobs, no official currency of any value, no electric power, no police, fire or law enforcement capabilities, no supermarkets, no gasoline.
Without electrical power and gasoline there will be no modern means of travel such as cars, trucks and airplanes, mass transit and no modern conveniences; no refrigerators, no stoves, no air conditioners, no washing machines, no TV, no computers, no cell phones.
The old will become new again.
A return to the old pioneer days in America, when you had to depend mainly on yourself, your individual determination and individual skill, to survive, to live.
When you, not the government or a politician or a bureaucrat or a union, determined your survival and your standard of living.
The old will become new again.
In the coming collapse, we will come full circle.
Back to the future.
And you will need to survive on your own.
What will you will need in order to survive? You will need to provide yourself with items of basic necessity, the most basic things required for your survival.
You will also need a lot of the "new" currency.
What is "new" currency? In a total economic collapse the new currency will not be paper money or coins.
Paper money and coins already in circulation will have little or no value.
The "new" currency will be small tangible items of value that can be used for survival, and for trading and bartering for goods and services.
The new currency items and their value will be determined by demand, by peoples' desire and need for the items.
These new currency items are now plentiful and inexpensive.
During and after a total economic collapse they are likely to skyrocket in value.
What exactly are these items? A list of post-collapse survival items and examples of new currency is provided on the book's website.
We in America are facing perilous economic times.
We in America are in the midst of the final bubble.
We in America are headed towards a total economic collapse.
In the coming economic collapse will YOU, and your family, survive? When faced with a coming devastating disaster there are 4 kinds of people...
There are those who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.
They are called "wishful thinkers".
There are those who deny the warning signs, stick their head in the sand, and hope the danger goes away.
They are called "ostriches".
There are those who see the warning signs, ignore them, and blindly plunge ahead.
They are called "dead".
There are those who see the warning signs, heed the warning signs, prepare themselves, and act swiftly and appropriately.
They are called "survivors".
Which will YOU be?
facing another giant and devastating financial and economic bubble? Will this bubble be the final bubble, and the end of capitalism? Will YOU survive it? Economically, the world is in bad shape.
And getting worse.
In many countries the economy is weak, or collapsing, or narrowly avoiding collapse, creating financial, political and social uncertainty and fear around the world.
The U.
is not immune.
The U.
economy is in sad shape and may well be in danger of collapsing in the not too distant future.
So are the economies of many U.
states and cities.
Are U.
local, state and federal governments in financial jeopardy and in danger of financial collapse? Yes.
If that happens your money and savings and investments could become nearly worthless overnight, real estate values may plummet 50%-90%, the dollar (and your purchasing power) may decrease by 50% or more, your standard of living may dramatically and quickly drop, unemployment could rise to over 50%, most businesses would likely fail and the American economic system, capitalism, is likely to totally collapse.
A total economic collapse.
It's called the final bubble.
We are experiencing an economic bubble that is rapidly growing and is about to burst.
The final bubble.
So, how, exactly, do you avoid this devastating financial disaster, this economic catastrophe, this total financial meltdown, this final bubble? What if you can't? As to when this total economic collapse is forecast to happen it's sooner than you think.
Economists predict a total collapse of the U.
economy within the next few years.
Or sooner.
If everything collapses, as it almost did in the U.
financial bubble which burst in 2008-2009, how can YOU survive it? In the aftermath of an economic meltdown it will be a new world, a new and nasty world, with order being replaced by chaos, with societal structure and government replaced by...
You and your neighbors and your community will be on your own.
You, and your family, will be on your own.
Your survival will be in your own hands.
In the event of a total financial meltdown your survival, and the survival of your family, will be dependent on YOU, with little or no help from the local, state or federal authorities.
Will you, and your family, survive? How? The old will be new again.
In a total economic collapse there will be no societal structure, no jobs, no official currency of any value, no electric power, no police, fire or law enforcement capabilities, no supermarkets, no gasoline.
Without electrical power and gasoline there will be no modern means of travel such as cars, trucks and airplanes, mass transit and no modern conveniences; no refrigerators, no stoves, no air conditioners, no washing machines, no TV, no computers, no cell phones.
The old will become new again.
A return to the old pioneer days in America, when you had to depend mainly on yourself, your individual determination and individual skill, to survive, to live.
When you, not the government or a politician or a bureaucrat or a union, determined your survival and your standard of living.
The old will become new again.
In the coming collapse, we will come full circle.
Back to the future.
And you will need to survive on your own.
What will you will need in order to survive? You will need to provide yourself with items of basic necessity, the most basic things required for your survival.
You will also need a lot of the "new" currency.
What is "new" currency? In a total economic collapse the new currency will not be paper money or coins.
Paper money and coins already in circulation will have little or no value.
The "new" currency will be small tangible items of value that can be used for survival, and for trading and bartering for goods and services.
The new currency items and their value will be determined by demand, by peoples' desire and need for the items.
These new currency items are now plentiful and inexpensive.
During and after a total economic collapse they are likely to skyrocket in value.
What exactly are these items? A list of post-collapse survival items and examples of new currency is provided on the book's website.
We in America are facing perilous economic times.
We in America are in the midst of the final bubble.
We in America are headed towards a total economic collapse.
In the coming economic collapse will YOU, and your family, survive? When faced with a coming devastating disaster there are 4 kinds of people...
There are those who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil.
They are called "wishful thinkers".
There are those who deny the warning signs, stick their head in the sand, and hope the danger goes away.
They are called "ostriches".
There are those who see the warning signs, ignore them, and blindly plunge ahead.
They are called "dead".
There are those who see the warning signs, heed the warning signs, prepare themselves, and act swiftly and appropriately.
They are called "survivors".
Which will YOU be?